Chua's circuit is a simple electronic circuit that exhibits classic chaotic behavior. It produces an oscillating waveform that never repeats. The ease of construction of the circuit has made it a ubiquitous real-world example of a chaotic system, leading some to declare it "a paradigm for chaos" 1.
From Wikipedia.
The code at chua.jl
models the Chua circuit using ModelingToolkit.jl
and the convenient ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl
, and, more specifically, its Electrical components.
In order to get this chaotic behavior, we need to satisfy a couple requirements.
We need at least one nonlinear element if you look at the diagram above, and that's what
Madan, R. N. (Ed.). (1993). Chua's circuit: a paradigm for chaos (Vol. 1). World Scientific. ↩