This tool was created to facilitate the security assessment of IAM resources in AWS environments. It provides a filter languague to look for overprivileged roles, trust relationships and to calculate effective IAM policies.
Futher information
This is WIP:
- It is still under development and it has the minimum functionality.
- AWS policy syntax is very flexible and therefore it is difficult to support all the "NotAction", "Action", "Deny", "Allow", different services, resources, conditions, actions and wildcards.
- Managed policies are not supported
The following clauses are allowed:
- Type
- Effective
- Trusted
- KeyId
- Name
- Arn
- PolicyName
- Action
- Resource
- Condition
- Effect
- =
- !=
- =~
- !~
- ~
- Find trust relationships
$ python -m awsdigger --filter "Trusted~'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root'"
$ python -m awsdigger --filter "Action~'sts:AssumeRole'
- Find overprivileged roles
$ python -m awsdigger --filter "Action='iam:*' and Resource='*'
$ python -m awsdigger --filter "Effective~'iam:PutUserPolicy' or Effective~'CreateGroup' or Effective~'CreateUser' or Effective~'UpdateGroup' or Effective~'AttachGroupPolicy' "