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X.A.UpKeys: Init
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slotThe committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 6811b9e commit e203096
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169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions XMonad/Actions/UpKeys.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{- |
Module : XMonad.Actions.UpKeys
Description : Bind an action to the release of a key
Copyright : (c) Tony Zorman, 2024
License : BSD-3
Maintainer : Tony Zorman <>
A combinator for binding an action to the release of a key. This can be
useful for hold-type buttons, where the press of a key engages some
functionality, and its release… releases it again.
module XMonad.Actions.UpKeys
( -- * Usage
-- $usage
UpKeysConfig (..),

import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import XMonad
import XMonad.Prelude
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (mkKeymap)
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleConf as XC

{- $usage
You can use this module with the following in your @xmonad.hs@:
> import XMonad.Actions.UpKeys
Next, define the keys and actions you want to have happen on the release
of a key:
> myUpKeys = ezUpKeys $
> [ ("M-z", myAction)
> , ("M-a", myAction2)
> ]
All that's left is to plug this definition into the 'useUpKeys'
combinator that this module provides:
> main :: IO ()
> main = xmonad
> . useUpKeys (def{ grabKeys = True, upKeys = myUpKeys })
> $ myConfig
Note the presence of @'grabKeys' = True@; this is for situations where
you don't have any of these keys bound to do something upon pressing
them; i.e., you use them solely for their release actions. If you want
something to happen in both cases, remove that part (@'grabKeys' =
False@ is the default) and bind the keys to actions as you normally
==== __Examples__
As an extended example, consider the case where you want all of your
docks (e.g., status bar) to "pop up" when you press the super key, and
then vanish again once that keys is released.
Since docks are not generally part of XMonad's window-set—otherwise, we
would have to manage them—we first need a way to access and manipulate
all docks.
> onAllDocks :: (Display -> Window -> IO ()) -> X ()
> onAllDocks act = withDisplay \dpy -> do
> rootw <- asks theRoot
> (_, _, wins) <- io $ queryTree dpy rootw
> traverse_ (io . act dpy) =<< filterM (runQuery checkDock) wins
This is also the place where one could filter for just status bar,
trayer, and so on.
Now we have to decide what kinds of keys we want to watch out for. Since
you most likely use left super as your modifier key, this is a little
bit more complicated than for other keys, as you will most likely see
the key both as a @KeyMask@, as well as a @KeySym@. One could think a
bit and probably come up with an elegant solution for this—or one could
grab all possible key combinations by brute-force!
> dockKeys :: X () -> [((KeyMask, KeySym), X ())]
> dockKeys act = map (actKey . foldr1 (.|.)) . combinations $ keyMasks
> where
> actKey :: KeyMask -> ((KeyMask, KeySym), X ())
> actKey mask = ((mask, xK_Super_L), act)
> keyMasks :: [KeyMask]
> keyMasks = [ noModMask, shiftMask, lockMask, controlMask, mod1Mask, mod2Mask, mod3Mask, mod4Mask, mod5Mask ]
> -- Return all combinations of a sequence of values.
> combinations :: [a] -> [[a]]
> combinations xs = concat [combs i xs | i <- [1 .. length xs]]
> where
> combs 0 _ = [[]]
> combs _ [] = []
> combs n (x:xs) = map (x:) (combs (n-1) xs) <> combs n xs
Given some action, like lowering or raising the window, we generate all
possible combinations of modifiers that may be pressed with the super
key. This is a good time to say that this is just for demonstrative
purposes, btw—please don't actually do this.
All that's left is to plug everything into the machinery of this module,
and we're done!
> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
> main :: IO ()
> main = xmonad
> . … -- other combinators
> . useUpKeys (def { upKeys = Map.fromList $ dockKeys (onAllDocks lowerWindow) })
> $ myConfig `additionalKeys` dockKeys (onAllDocks raiseWindow)
> myConfig = …

data UpKeysConfig = UpKeysConfig
{ -- | Whether to grab all keys that are not already grabbed.
grabKeys :: !Bool
-- | The keys themselves.
, upKeys :: !(Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ()))

-- | The default 'UpKeysConfig'; keys are not grabbed, and no upkeys are
-- specified.
instance Default UpKeysConfig where
def :: UpKeysConfig
def = UpKeysConfig { grabKeys = False, upKeys = mempty }

instance Semigroup UpKeysConfig where
(<>) :: UpKeysConfig -> UpKeysConfig -> UpKeysConfig
UpKeysConfig g u <> UpKeysConfig g' u' = UpKeysConfig (g && g') (u <> u')

-- | Bind actions to keys upon their release.
useUpKeys :: UpKeysConfig -> (XConfig l -> XConfig l)
useUpKeys upKeysConf = flip XC.once upKeysConf \conf -> conf
{ handleEventHook = handleEventHook conf <> (\e -> handleKeyUp e $> All True)
, startupHook = startupHook conf <> when (grabKeys upKeysConf) grabUpKeys
grabUpKeys :: X ()
grabUpKeys = do
XConf{ display = dpy, theRoot = rootw } <- ask
realKeys <- maybe mempty upKeys <$> XC.ask @X @UpKeysConfig
let grab :: (KeyMask, KeyCode) -> X ()
grab (km, kc) = io $ grabKey dpy kc km rootw True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync
traverse_ grab =<< mkGrabs (Map.keys realKeys)

-- | Parse the given EZConfig-style keys into the internal keymap
-- representation.
-- This is just 'mkKeymap' with a better name.
ezUpKeys :: XConfig l -> [(String, X ())] -> Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ())
ezUpKeys = mkKeymap

-- | A handler for key-up events.
handleKeyUp :: Event -> X ()
handleKeyUp KeyEvent{ ev_event_type, ev_state, ev_keycode }
| ev_event_type == keyRelease = withDisplay \dpy -> do
s <- io $ keycodeToKeysym dpy ev_keycode 0
cln <- cleanMask ev_state
ks <- maybe mempty upKeys <$> XC.ask @X @UpKeysConfig
userCodeDef () $ whenJust (ks Map.!? (cln, s)) id
handleKeyUp _ = pure ()
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions xmonad-contrib.cabal
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