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i45 Sample Data

Node JS Package

A library of sample datasets that can be used during testing and development.


npm i i45-sample-data


import { SampleData } from "i45-sample-data";

console.log("Astronomy", SampleData.Lists.Astronomy); // outputs a list of astronomical terms.
console.log("States", SampleData.KeyValueLists.States); // outputs a list of states and abbreviations.
console.log("States", SampleData.JsonData.States); // outputs an array of states with other information.
console.log("Students", SampleData.JsonData.Students); // outputs an array of students and grades.
console.log("Countries", SampleData.JsonData.Countries); // outputs an array of countries with other information
console.log("Key Codes", SampleData.Objects.KeyCodes); // outputs a KeyCodes object with keyboard codes grouped by function.

  "Rest API call",
  await SampleData.from("")

Sample Output


// output
    type: "multiple",
    difficulty: "easy",
    category: "Science & Nature",
      "The element involved in making human blood red is which of the following?",
    correct_answer: "Iron",
    incorrect_answers: ["Copper", "Iridium", "Gold"],
    type: "multiple",
    difficulty: "easy",
    category: "Entertainment: Video Games",
      "How many flagship monsters appear in Monster Hunter Gernerations?",
    correct_answer: "4",
    incorrect_answers: ["3", "5", "6"],
    type: "multiple",
    difficulty: "hard",
    category: "Entertainment: Video Games",
      "'Gimmick!' is a Japanese Famicom game in the cartridge. What is it called?",
    correct_answer: "FME-7",
    incorrect_answers: ["VRC6", "VRC7", "MMC5"],
    type: "boolean",
    difficulty: "medium",
    category: "Animals",
    question: "Finnish Lapphund dogs were used for herding reindeer.",
    correct_answer: "True",
    incorrect_answers: ["False"],

Using a React Component (App.jsx)

import "./App.css";
import { SampleData } from "i45-sample-data";

function App() {
  // iterate over a list of trivia questions.
  return (
        {, index) => (
          <div id={index} key={index} className="question-div">
            <p>Category: {question.category}</p>
            <p>Difficulty: {question.difficulty}</p>
            <p>Type: {question.type}</p>
            <p>Correct Answer: {question.correct_answer}</p>
            <p>Incorrect Answers: {question.incorrect_answers.join(", ")}</p>

export default App;

Simple REST API Call

The from method makes a get request using the browser's fetch api and returns the results in JSON format.

An optional API_KEY can be passed as a second parameter.

NOTE: This method makes an HTTP Get request and, if present, passes the x-api-key in the request header. To make an HTTP Post request, or to include other headers such as custom content types, see the section REST API Call with Custom Headers.

import { SampleData } from "i45-sample-data";

// Make an async REST API call to the provided endpoint.
var data = await SampleData.from("");

//or with an API_KEY

var data = await SampleData.from(

// the data is returned in json format.

REST API Call with Custom Headers

The fetch method is a wrapper for the browser's Fetch API that accepts a URL and a Headers object, and returns a Response object.

The Response object may contain results in other formats, including HTML.

See the Fetch API MDN Web Docs for more information on using Headers and Response objects.

import { SampleData } from "i45-sample-data";

// The optional headers object contains an x-api-key that in passed as YOUR_API_KEY.
data = await SampleData.fetch("", {
  headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY" },

// The fetch method returns a Response object, which allows the results to be converted into the required format when consumed.
console.log("Data from API", data.json());


The sample data in this package is pulled from various sources: