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GitHub Action - Get or Create Release

This GitHub Action (written in JavaScript) gets an existing GitHub release or creates a new one, optionally uploads asset attachments to the release, and optionally publishes the release.



  • assets: File glob expression(s) of assets to attach to the release.
  • body: Text describing the contents of the release. Default to "TBA" when creating a new release.
  • github_token: GitHub personal access token. Defaults to the token provided by the workflow run.
  • prerelease: true to identity the release as a prerelease
  • previous_release_sha: Commit SHA of the previous release. If provided, release notes will be generated by querying commit history.
  • publish: true to publish the release, false to leave as a draft. Defaults to true.
  • release_name: Name of the release. Defaults to tag_name.
  • tag_name: Tag from which to create the release.
  • target_commitish: Specifies where the tag is created from. Defaults to GITHUB_SHA.


  • release_id: The ID of the GitHub release.
  • upload_url: The URL for uploading assets to the release.