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File metadata and controls

231 lines (142 loc) · 7.63 KB

Xop internals

Done() & Flush()

We want to call Done() on base spans as soon as we know they're done, or just before a Flush() if there is activity since the last Done().

Each log keeps track of it's non-detached children that aren't Done.

A log can only be Done() if it's dependent children are Done().

activeChildren are those that are not explicitly Done() (both dependent and detached)

Non-detached children are Done when their parent is Done or if Done() is called on them explicitly.

span.knownActive: true if listed in parents activeChildren


Change atomics and then take action based upon the value of the atomic. For example set knownActive to 1 and then if it had been zero, add to depndentents and such.

On the reverse, set knownActive to 0 and then call Done(), etc.

Try not to hold locks while calling things: make todo lists while holding the lock but then do the work w/o the lock.


The problem with the existing model

The industry model of tracing as documented in the W3C spec requires that spans have full identifiers. If you give each part of dealing with a request inside a single server, lots of different spans, then how can you quickly reference the request-level span from one the sub-spans or one of the other requests that is a child of the main request? There is no standard way to distinguish a span that is simply a separate thread of execution or one that is a related request on a different server. (Well, okay, Open Telemetry could be considered a standard, and it provides a way)

The format of logs isn't easy to extend because there are is no meta-level or standard for what log fields mean. The closest for this is the naming semantics that are included in the Open Telementry project.

Once the logs are generated, good logging systems tag each line with trance and span identifiers, but the logs are still stored, searched, and displayed as lines. Most of the value comes from the context of the log so recording them as lines removes misses the point.

Another issue with most structured loggers is that they over-collect details that don't matter and un-invest in how the logs are presented. The extra details are sometimes useful, but they increase the cost to process and store the logs. More importantly, they can clutter the display so that it has lots of data but does not present much information.

The standard model does not lend itself to experimentation with what kinds of things are logged and how they're presented. At BlueOwl, we discovered that logging tables was very valuable. We had support for displaying tables in our log viewer. For some very complicated bugs, displaying tables in the logs was instrumental in finding the problem.



other takes

Software Tracing With Go


A complete logging solution has:

Generating Logs

Logging API for writing code. There are a couple of flavors that are commonly found: Printf-style; Key/Value style; Structure with functional args style; and Structured with methods style.

Tracing APIs have less variation. Opentracing is a fine example.

Writing logs

Logs can be sent directly to a server; they can be written to STDOUT. Most systems use JSON for structured logging, but Open Telementry uses Protobufs.

Gathering logs

Most frameworks include an intermediary program that scrapes up logs, especially STDOUT logs, and sends them on to servers relibably. This has an advantage of lowering the likelihood of backpressure.

Should backpressure exist at all? Maybe. Some logs may be required for auditing purposes and such logs may need to be sent reliably.

Indexing logs

ElasticSearch vs OpenSearch vs Solr? Elastic loses on the licensing front.

It makes sense to do full-text indexing and also trace-level indexing separately so that the trace-level indexing can be retained for a longer duration.

Storing logs

S3 and other bulk storage

Generating tracelogs API


At the request-level (HTTP request) or program being run, etc, tag the request with: fields and indexes. The fields are descriptive and the indexes are searchable. Both have the same format.

The request model and response model are good examples of fields.

The URL is a good example of an index.

One required indexed key is 'type'. In an organization, each type can have different required fields and associated value types.

For example, the 'http' type can have: 'endpoint', 'path', 'method', 'response-code' indexes and 'request-data', 'response-data' fields.

Note: this is not enforced (yet)


Spans have a text description

Spans have arbitrary key/value pairs that are added as users create the span.

Spans have a W3C-compatible id

Spans have a .1 .A prefix to show how they relate to the other spans in the same request

Spans are either included in the request indexes or not included. If included, they have type=span.

Spans have a full W3C trace context

Log-line level

Log lines do not have any inherited data except their span reference

Log lines can have key/value pairs

If the key is "span" then the value should be full span reference

The key of "type" should be displayed prominently by the front-end and the following types are suggested:

  • "reference": requires a "span" and referes to that span

  • "request": a request to another system, if that system replied with a "tracereference" then record that here.

Generating Tracelogs - Data format

Log lines

Open Telemetry Log Specification

Every log line gets a span id and trace id.

In the key/values attached to log lines, a key of "reference" to another trace/span


Span records are only emitted after the span is complete or N minutes have passed.

Must reference their parent span, if possilbe

May have a "thread.context" like "B.3." to indicate it's the third thing in the 2nd parallel execution. If there is no "thread.context", then attributes are searchable.

May have an http.status_code even if it's not an http request

An "error.count" attribute is automatically added

Spans must have names. For parallel forks, this is the same as the thread context.

Requests to other services get their own span.

Open Telementy's "SpanKind" isn't rich enough. It's missing CLI_COMMAND, TASK

Span data can continue to be updated even after the span is first sent.

Forwarding tracelogs

No changes are needed for log forwarding

LogStash introduction Open Telementry data collection Open Telementry protocol

Reforming tracelogs

Accepts both logs and traces.

Step 1: save the raw data. Data is written to persistent disk in the "inbox". Logs that don't have trace ids and span ids are dropped.

Step 2: If there are multiple servers, forward raw data to the appropriate server based on sharding of the trace id.

Step 3: Write data to appropriate trace-collection buckets (files, one per trace). Mark buckets as not-indexed.

Step 4: Once written to buckets, inbox files can be removed.

Step 5: Add/update Elastic indexes.