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Wmfs fifo

arpinux edited this page May 9, 2012 · 2 revisions

wmfs-fifo is an application that could be a good alternative to the wmfs -c command.
when launched, wmfs-fifo can recieve commands, scripts-outputs or action for wmfs.


the project is on github, so you can clone the git repertory:
git clone git://
or download the tgz/zip sources
once the directory cloned or obtained the sources, change to the directory and then perform a classical installation:

sudo make install
sudo make install PREFIX=/usr/local
sudo make install DESTDIR=~/.local/


be sure to run wmfs-fifo before any program which use it.

wmfs-fifo &
echo "spawn urxvtc" > /tmp/wmfs-$DISPLAY.fifo

example: launch irssi, change tag then launch firefox:

urxvtc -title irssi -e irssi
echo "tag_next" > /tmp/wmfs-$DISPLAY.fifo
firefox &


how to send informations to wmfs-statusbar with wmfs-fifo:

  • with conky: put the texte “status infobar_name” at the beginning of the conky output section. replace ‘infobar_name’ with the name of the bar where you want the conky output to be displayed, ex:
    status bottombar ^s[right;\#FFFFFF;${time %I:%M %P}]
    then send the conky output to the fifo from your ~/.xinitrc:
    wmfs-fifo &
    conky > /tmp/wmfs-$DISPLAY.fifo
  • with a bash script: the same rule, “status infobar_name” text has to be placed on your script output, ex:
    while true; do echo "status bottombar `date +%I:%M:%S`" > /tmp/wmfs-$DISPLAY.fifo ; done
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