How to use ?
use NeoxNotify\NeoxNotifyBundle\notify\NotificationStrategyFactory;
use NeoxNotify\NeoxNotifyBundle\notify\notificationQueue;
// ======================= message notification LEGACY
// Create
// Here send notification to mercure hub topic "*TO ALL*" - ''
$notification = $notificationStrategyFactory->NotificationStrategy();
$msg = "PUSH --- Flash-1 sales has been started ❤️😉";
->setNotification(new Notification($msg, ['chat/mercureChatter']))
// ->setNotification(new Notification($msg, ['chat/mercureChatter']))
// // add to queue
// $notificationStrategyFactory->addNotification($notification);
// // If you want to send now -> $notificationStrategyFactory->sendNotifications();
// // ======================= message notification LEGACY == END =================
// ======================= message notification Push
// Here send notification PUSH to mercure hub topic - /chat/flash-sales
$message = (new ChatMessage('Push -- Flash sales has been started!', new MercureOptions(['/chat/flash-sales'])))->transport('mercureChatter');
// ======================= message notification Push == END =================