Just a little test. How could be a non-blocking server.
RunServer class autokills server after some thread sleeping time.
Some interesting ideas from https://jenkov.com/tutorials/java-nio/non-blocking-server.html
An example of client for this server is https://github.com/xsalagarcia/non-blocking-client-for-non-blocking-server
Server can't detect disconnected clients. Disconnection message should be established and SocketProcessor.deleteNonConnecteds() could be modified.
Client Server
====== ======
--------------------------------------------------> Server creates a welcome message
Public key + client socket Id in a WELCOME message
client generates
SecretKey (private) with
client socket Id, random
integer and shared client-server
Client sends SECRET: generated random and SecretKey in byte[]
encrypted with public key.
-------------------------------------------------> Server calculates MAC (key for
MAC with: server socket Id +
shared client-server integer +
random client integer.
All exchanged messages now will be sent with stablished client private key and the MAC will be check.
Server sends calculated MAC (CHECK_WELCOME message)
Client compares
his MAC with received MAC.
If it fails, stops connection.
More interaction requires loggin:
Client sends User name + password with LOG_IN or NEW_USER message.
Server sends ACK or NACK and the client is logged or not.