This client is a simple implementation written in Python for appium-uiautomator2-server, it should be easy to intergarted into other testing framework.
Before using this driver, you should build, install and run appium-uiautomator2-server at first.
Building appium-uiautomator2-server project using below commands
./gradlew clean assembleServerDebug assembleServerDebugAndroidTest
Installing both src and test apks to the device and execute the instrumentation tests.
adb shell am instrument -w io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test/
Forward tcp port 6790 to local
adb forward tcp:6790 tcp:6790
Now it is ready to control the device, below are examples
client = AppiumClient()
# Click "test" on screen
# Find element by xpath, class name, resrouce id, and uiautpmator statements
client.find_element(ByUiautomator("new UiSelector().resourceId(\"android:id/text1\")"))
# Tap (x, y)
client.tap(x, y)
This client was implemented several yesrs ago, I didn't test all the fucntions on the latest version of appium uiautomator2 server. So there might be adaption works if the service side has changes.
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