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Xu Gang edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 1 revision
# build image from dockerfile.
docker build -t xug15/bash:1.0.0 -f ./Dockfile ./

# star one container and remove when you stop it. (testing)
docker run --rm  -dt bioinfo_tsinghua

# star one container. 
docker run -dt bioinfo_tsinghua

docker load -i ~/Desktop/bioinfo_tsinghua.docker.tar.gz # only if Mac or Windows 10 Pro

docker load -i ~/Desktop/bioinfo_tsinghua.tar.gz # Otherwise

# docker start a images

docker run --name=bioinfo_tsinghua -dt --restart unless-stopped -v ~/Desktop/bioinfo_tsinghua_share:/home/test/share bioinfo_tsinghua # get into a container.

docker exec -it bioinfo_tsinghua bash

# save container.
docker commit d1b2f0bf23e8  gangxu/coexpression:1.1

docker run --name coexp -dt -v /Users/xugang/Documents/c-pycharm/git/docker/data:/home gangxu/coexpression:1.1

docker exec -it coexp bash
# save
docker save myimage:latest | gzip > myimage_latest.tar.gz

# tag
docker tag bioinfo_tsinghua:latest gangxu/bioinfo_tsinghua:latest
docker images   gangxu/bioinfo_tsinghua:latest

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
runoob/ubuntu       v3                  4e3b13c8a266        3 months ago        136.3 MB

# push
docker push gangxu/bioinfo_tsinghua:latest
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