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How to backup

Xu Gang edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

Appendix III. How to Backup

1) Basic

(1) Cloud storage

  • Tsinghua cloud based on seafile 清华云,在校内使用速度快。
  • Nutstore cloud 商业云存储,每个月有免费的备份流量。自己申请账号使用。
  • Nextcloud 实验室内部搭建的云存储。找实验室管理人员开通账户。

(2) Backup tool that comes with the system

(3) Backup your code with GitHub

  • Create and edit your repositories (repos.) at GitHub on line
  • Use GitHub Desktop App to sync your local projects (code) with Github repos.

2) Advanced

(1) Backup your code with GitHub in Terminal

email =[]
name = Shared
  • Clone/Download an existed repository on github
git clone
git clone
  • Create a new repository
echo "# test" >> 
git init 
git add 
git commit -m "first commit" 
git remote add origin 
git push -u origin master
  • Sync local files with github repo

Pull (update):

git pull origin master
git log -n 2 # look at the last two log entries.


git add exmaples/
git commit -m ‘20190705v1’
git push origin


git commit -m ‘20190705v1’
git push origin


git rm *.file
git commit -m ‘20190705v1’
git push origin

Tips: the bash script to sync a github repo:

echo $time
git add -u .
git add *
git commit -m '$time'
git push origin master

(2) Backup data using rsync and crontab

(1) Setup ssh key (optional)

  • (a) Generate SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
  • (b) Copy your keys to the target server
ssh-copy-id user@server_ip    #if port add: -p 2200

上述操作后,通过ssh到remote server时就可以无需输入密码了,因此下面的步骤也可以在无人值守的时候自动运行。

但如果下面的步骤中你无需登录remote server, 就无需setup ssh key。

(2) Prepare a backup script with rsync

  • (a) First you need to prepare some backup dirs
mkdir /home/john/backup_local    # prepare a backup dir for some local files
mkdir /home/john/backup_remote   # prepare a backup dir for some remote files
  • (b) Then, write a back up script, for example : ~/

#0. Define the parameters of rsync
RSYNC="rsync -avz --delete --exclude-from=/home/john/excluded_file_list.txt"

#A. Local backup  
echo "1. Backup of /home/john/data start at:"
$RSYNC /home/john/data/  /home/john/backup_local/
echo "Backup end at:"

#B. Remote backup 
echo "2. Backup start at:"
$RSYNC john@ /home/john/backup_remote/
echo "Backup end at:"
  • (c) Last, make your excutable
chmod +x ~/

Parameters of rsync (use man rsync to see more details):

Parameter Mean
-a: 以递归方式传输文件
--delete: 删除那些接收端还有而发送端已经不存在的文件
-q: 精简输出模式
-z: 在传输文件时进行压缩处理
-H: 保持硬链接文件
-t: 对比两边文件的时间戳和文件大小.如果一致,则就认为两边文件一样,对此文件就不再采取更新动作了
-I: 挨个文件去发起数据同步
--port=PORT: 端口号

(3) Schedule the back tasks with crontab

crontab是Linux中用来定期执行程序的命令, 你可以使用 在线crontab生成器,也可以按如下方式自己编辑:

  • 打开crontab编辑器:
crontab -e
  • 加入以下行:
# minute hour day_in_month month day_in_week command
15 3 * * * /home/john/ > /home/john/backup.log

Linux将通过crontab定时运行上述命令, 具体定义如下:

Column Mean
Column 1: Minutes 0 to 59
Column 2: Hours 0 to 23 (0 means midnight)
Column 3: Day 1 to 31
Column 4: Months 1~12
Column 5: Week 0 to 7 (0 and 7 for Sunday)
Column 6: Command to run

(3) More Reading for advanced users

  • 鸟哥的Linux私房菜-基础学习篇》 (25章推荐章节)

    Linux 推荐章节:

    • 第25章 LINUX备份策略: 25.2.2完整备份的差异备份; 25.3鸟哥的备份策略; 25.4灾难恢复的考虑; 25.5重点回顾
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