- trip distribution: gravity model
- Add save node and poi function
- User can update trip rate
- For zone file, change id to zone_id
- Production and Attraction calculation: if poi exits, calculate poi based demand. elif activity node exist, calculate activity_node based demand, else, 0
- The calculated demands value are small -> change to 'reasonable' values
- Add multiprocessing on zone centroid mapping with node and poi
- Overall link:
- Add load_zone_census_tracts
- Trip generateion (Production and Attraction): 1) corss-classification method 2) Regression Methods 3) Discrete-Choice Methods
- Mode choice: multinomial logit model, Nested logit model src: ;;
- Traffic assignment: All-or-nothing; STOCH ; Incremental assignment; Capacity Restraint; User Equilibrium(Frank-Wolf method); Stochastic User Equilibrium (Method of Successive Averages, Sheffi and Powell, 1982; Sheffi, 1985); System optimum Assignment (SO);
- Advanced Traffic Assignment: Alternative or user-defined volume delay function; HOV assignment; Multi-modal multi-class assignment(MMA); Volume-Dependent Turning delays and signal opeimization traffic assignment; Combined trip distribution- assignment model; Create volume delay function DDLs
- Good source:
- Link performance functions t =
$t_f [1 + \alpha(\dfrac{v}{c})^\beta)] $