This repository is EC2 based template samples for AWS Proton. It was created based on AWS Proton sample templates.
Prepare two AWS accounts to use AWS Proton with the following processes
- When connecting to source code repository, you can fork from simpleapp-springboot-java repository to use as a simple Java application.
Create environment by using environment template
### Set up AWS CLI environment as Management account administrator before doing following commands
# Prepare
$ cd ec2-autoscaling
$ AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity|jq -r ".Account"`
# As for now, AWS_REGION is should be "ap-northeast-1" because AMI ID in template is specified with Tokyo-region.
# Create environment template
$ aws proton create-environment-template \
--region ${AWS_REGION} \
--name "public-vpc-with-security" \
--display-name "PublicVPCwithSecurity" \
--description "VPC with Public Access and Security"
# Upload template
$ tar -zcvf env-template.tar.gz environment/
$ aws s3 cp env-template.tar.gz s3://proton-cli-templates-${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}/env-template.tar.gz \
--region ${AWS_REGION}
$ rm env-template.tar.gz
# Create template as a new version
$ aws proton create-environment-template-version \
--region ap-northeast-1 \
--template-name "public-vpc-with-security" \
--description "Version 1" \
--source s3="{bucket=proton-cli-templates-${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID},key=env-template.tar.gz}"
# Publish the new version template
$ aws proton update-environment-template-version \
--region ap-northeast-1 \
--template-name "public-vpc-with-security" \
--major-version "1" \
--minor-version "0" \
--status "PUBLISHED"
# After publishing the template, you can create the environment in environment account using AWS Proton console or CLI on management account
- Connect from environment account to management account using the folowing page
- Create service by using service template
# Prepare
# Create service template
$ aws proton create-service-template \
--region ${AWS_REGION} \
--name "ec2-autoscaling" \
--display-name "EC2AutoScalingService" \
--description "EC2 with an Application Load Balancer"
# Upload template
$ tar -zcvf svc-template.tar.gz service/
$ aws s3 cp svc-template.tar.gz s3://proton-cli-templates-${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}/svc-template.tar.gz --region ${AWS_REGION}
$ rm svc-template.tar.gz
# Create template as a new version
$ aws proton create-service-template-version \
--region ${AWS_REGION} \
--template-name "ec2-autoscaling" \
--source s3="{bucket=proton-cli-templates-${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID},key=svc-template.tar.gz}" \
--compatible-environment-templates '[{"templateName":"public-vpc-with-security","majorVersion":"1"}]' \
--description "Version 1"
# Publish the new version template
$ aws proton update-service-template-version \
--region ${AWS_REGION} \
--template-name "ec2-autoscaling" \
--major-version "1" \
--minor-version "0" \
--status "PUBLISHED"
# After publishing the template, you can create the service in environment account and create the pipeline to management account using AWS Proton console or CLI on management account
The templates for Proton are using jinja2 to replace placeholders in the template. Now, the template will temporarily not work as a CloudFormation template before the replacing of placeholders.
You can use '' script to replace placeholders to debug it.
- Edit 'debug/' to adjust with your template.
- Execute the following command to emulate replacement process.
$ pip install Jinja2
$ python ../debug/ ./service/instance_infrastructure/cloudformation.yaml > ./tmp.yaml
- You can debug tmp.yaml using regular method of CloudFormation.
- Grant least privilege access for IAM roles