- Import feeds
- Follow feeds
- Auto-update feeds
- Likes
- Comments
- "My feeds"
- Explore page
- Trending section
- User profiles
- Search
- Manifesto
- "Widget" for comments on your own website: https://github.com/yakkomajuri/recess-comments-snippet
- Import comments from HackerNews (and other select sources)
- "My feeds" management
- Export your data
- Notifications for feed owners
- Fix importing of varying RSS formats
- Support Atom feeds
- Support h-feed
- Generate feeds for websites that don't have one
- Integrate with IndieWeb protocols like Webmentions
- More polished UI
- Clean up too many UI refreshes
- Clean up too many requests
- Better parsing of descriptions
- Widget: Dark mode
- Follow on Recess button
- Federation?
- Structure repo for open source deployments