Announces merges in GitHub and GitLab to a slack incoming webhook.
Propaganda, from the spanish meaning: advertisement
a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event.
Usage of ./propaganda:
-address string
listening address (default ":9092")
-config string
configuration file to use (default "propaganda.yml")
enable debug logging
enable github webhook handling
enable gitlab webhook handling
-match-pattern string
match string regex (default "\\[announce\\]")
-metrics string
metrics path (default "/metrics")
show version and exit
- SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL slack webhook url used to post to slack
- GITLAB_TOKEN token used to validate the payload sent from the gitlab instance, required when gitlab is enabled.
- GITHUB_TOKEN token used to validate the payload signature sent from github, required when github is enabled.
Be sure to pick application/json
as content type, else all the webhooks will simply fail to be parsed.
No particularities, simply pick only Merge Request events to reduce noise.