Radical is a calendar and contact server CalDAV/CardDAV. It does not have a graphical administration interface.
Radical is installed by default with the web client InfCloud that will view and edit your calendars and address books.
To connect another client to radical, we must inform these addresses:
- URL: https://domain.tld/path/user/
- Exemple : https://example.org/radicale/me/
- URL: https://domain.tld/path/user/calendar.ics/
- Exemple: https://example.org/radicale/me/calendar.ics/
- URL: https://domain.tld/path/user/AddressBook.vcf/
- Exemple: https://example.org/radicale/me/AddressBook.vcf/
Create a new schedule or a new address book is very simple with radical, just go there! Radical create all new calendar or notebook to nonexistent addresses if you try to access it.
So just log on (as before) to a calendar or a nonexistent address book to create it.
This can be done simply with a browser, to appear in a collection already connected to a client.
Previous addresses also work to access resources not owned by the authenticated user.
User1 can connect to the collection of user2
Simply to indicate the login and password of user1.
It's sharing rules (see below) that will allow or not to user1 to see the contents of the collection of user2.
By default, no sharing is allowed.
By default, any user has the right to read and write on its own calendars and address books.
It is possible to refine these default rules and to allow sharing by allowing users to access their resources do not own.
The rules governing these rights should be included in the /etc/radicale/rights
Each rule is in this form:
# Comment before rule and explaining that (optional of course):
[Rule Name]
user: user concerned
collection: calendar, book or collection concerned.
permission: permission, r (read), w (write) or rw (read/write)
Rights file contains several examples that can be exploited.
To validate changes to the /etc/radicale/rights file, radical must be recharged via uwsgi service.
sudo service uwsgi restart
To share a calendar or address book, just write a rule permitting. Sharing can be done with another user.
user: ^user1$
collection: ^user2/shared2.ics$
permission: rw
Or publicly for a remote user does not use the same server.
user: .*
collection: ^user2/shared2.ics$
permission: r
In both cases, the sharing works only using the full address of the calendar or collection. In other words, the shares do not appear in the collection of a user.
This limitation may be blocking for clients managing a single collection, as InfCloud. In this particular case, a solution overcomes this problem.
This solution is functional, but is an hack ...
To enable sharing to occur directly in the collection of a user, it must exploit the use of files in Radicale.
By simply creating a symbolic link to the resource sharing.
ln -sr user2/shared.ics user1/user2_shared.ics
The shared resource becomes a resource from the collection of user1, while it physically remains in the collection of user2.
However, without recourse to the rules for each resource in the collection of user1, the general rule applies. user1 gets so read and write access by default on the shared resource because it is part of his collection.
By default, the Radical log is set to INFO. This method savings the hard drive but does not debug Radicale in case of problems.
To pass Radicale in DEBUG mode, edit the /etc/radicale/logging and change INFO to DEBUG in sections [logger_root] and [handler_file]. Then reload the uwsgi service.
Now, the log displays all requests that are made to Radicale and analysis of rights file.
However, do not stay on this mode because the log is filled very quickly.
The configuration of InfCloud is in the infcloud/config.js file
To load any changes in the config.js file (or other file of InfCloud) must reload the cache with the script provided.
sudo ./cache_update.sh