pnpm add -D vitepress vue
mkdir docs
cd docs
# desktop/my-docs/docs
cd ../
# desktop/my-docs
pnpm exec vitepress dev docs
vitepress dev docs
vitepress build docs
vitepress preview docs
# root-dir/docs
cd .vitepress
# root-dir/docs/.vitepress
new-item config.ts
// config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vitepress";
export default defineConfig({
base: "/docs/",
lang: "zh-CN",
title: "Yang_Lee",
head: [["link", { rel: "shortcut icon", href: "vite.svg" }]],
themeConfig: {
logo: "vite.svg",
siteTitle: "Yang_Lee",
socialLinks: [
{ icon: "github", link: "" },
{ icon: "twitter", link: "..." },
// You can also add custom icons by passing SVG as string:
icon: {
svg: '<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Dribbble</title><path d="M12...6.38z"/></svg>',
link: "...",
nav: [
{ text: "nav-1", link: "" },
text: "nav-2",
items: [
{ text: "nav-2-1", items: [] },
{ text: "Item B", link: "/item-2" },
sidebar: {
"/": [
text: "TypeScript",
collapsible: true,
items: [{ text: "类型", link: "" }],
"/data/": [
text: "开始",
collapsible: true,
items: [
text: "Scss",
items: [{ text: "注释", items: [] }],
footer: {
message: "Released under the MIT License.",
copyright: "",
🎉 💯
::: tip This is a tip :::
::: warning This is a warning :::
::: danger STOP Danger zone, do not proceed :::
::: details Click me to view the code
console.log("Hello, VitePress!");
::: code-group
import {} from "vite"; // [!code --]
import {} from "vite"; // [!code ++]
import {} from "vite"; // [!code warning]
import {} from "vite"; // [!code error]
import {} from "vite"; // [!code focus]
import {} from "vite"; // [!code hl]
export const a = "a";
export { a };
export default {};
export function useHook() {}
theme: jekyll-theme-slate
include: [_plugin-vue_export-helper-c27b6911.js]