This course was given by Prof.Chen (Rong Chen) in College of Energy Engineering at ChongQing University. This course interseted me in 2013 Spring Term, I worked really hard for every experiment that include both mathematical analysis and computer programming. In that time I know little about Computer Science and Advance Mathematics, As a result I using Word rather than LaTex for Editor and Using MATLAB to program and drawing. So, a young boy named John start his voyage in numerical method and computer science's world.
GitHub is a place to share, so I decided to share this works and experience with these happy and crazy with exciting time.
- Hw1 folder: About numerical stability, round-off erro and formula for numerical computing. Report of experiment running result.
- Hw2 folder: About Newton interpolation. Report of experiment running result.
- Hw3 folder: About Least-Square-Multiplication data fiting Method. Report of experiment running result.
- Hw4 folder: About Variation Step Size Trapezoid Formula in Numerical Integration Method. Report of experiment running result.
- Hw5 folder: About Gauss-Elimination Method to direct solve Linear Algebra Equations. Report of experiment running result.
- Hw6 folder: About Gauss-Seidel and SOR Iteration Method to solve Linear Algebra Equations. Report of experiment running result.
- Hw7 folder: About Bisection and Newton-Rapson Methods to solve Root of Non-linear Equation. Report of experiment running result.
- Hw8 folder: ABout Euler's Method and Second Order Runge-Kutta Method and Variation Step Size BS23(RK23) Method to solve Oridinary Differential Equation. Report of experiment running result.
- Numerical Stability: corresponds to Hw1.
- NewtonInerpolationPolynomial and LagrangeInterpolationPolynomial: corresponds to Hw2.
- LeastSquareMethod: corresponds to Hw3.
- NumericalIntegration: corresponds to Hw4.
- GaussElimination: corresponds to Hw5.
- GaussSeidelandSORIterationMethod: corresponds to Hw6.
- BisectionMethod and NewtonMethod: corresponds to Hw7.
- EulerMethod and PredictorCorrectorEulerMethod and RungeKuttaMethod: correspond to Hw8.