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IntelliJ Plugin for Awesome Kotlin

  • Show content from Awesome Kotlin inside IDE ToolWindow
  • Enable search / checkout Kotlin projects
  • Custom content sources & dynamic KotlinScript loading is supported


Install from repositories

  1. Settings >> Plugins >> Browse repositories...
  2. Search for "Awesome Kotlin", install & restart

Install from zip file

  1. Download zip from JetBrains Plugins Repository or from Github Releases
  2. Settings >> Plugins >> Install plugin from disk...,select the downloaded zip file in previous step then restart your idea

Plugin Development


  • JDK 8u112+
  • Intellij IDEA (2016.3+)
  • Plugins Enabled: Kotlin

Build / Run

# run in sandbox
./gradlew clean runIde

# build artifact
./gradlew clean buildPlugin

Or use IDEA's Run Configuration config files, see .run/*.run.xml
