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Jenkins Pipeline for Web Page Application (Postgresql-Nodejs-React) deployed on EC2's with Ansible and Docker


This project aims to create a Jenkins pipeline to deploy web-page written Nodejs and React Frameworks on AWS Cloud Infrastructure using Ansible. Building infrastructure process is managing with control node utilizing Ansible. This infrastructure has 1 jenkins server (Amazon Linux 2 AMI) as ansible control node and 3 EC2s as worker node (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 with High Availability). These EC2s will be launched on AWS console. Web-page has 3 main components which are postgresql, nodejs, and react. Each component is serving in Docker container on EC2s dedicated for them. Postgresql is serving as Database of web-page. Nodejs controls backend part of web-side and react controls frontend side of web-page.

Project Diagram


Initial Setup

  • Install the Jenkins server by using the Terraform-AWS-EC2-Jenkins-Docker-Ansible-Terraform-AWSCLIv2-Boto3-kubectl-Installed repo.
  • A backend for Terraform is used to provide consistency. For that purpose an S3 bucket should be created manually beforehand.

Jenkins Server Setup

  • Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available plugins > Install Ansible plugin.
  • Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Ansible > Add Ansible with the name ansible and path /usr/bin/.
  • Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > System > Global credentials (unrestricted) > Add credentials with the kind SSH username with private key, ID ssh_key, enter directly the SSH pem file contents. This credential will be used by Ansible to connect and modify the EC2 instances.
  • Create a pipeline named todo-app and select the Pipeline from SCM option.


  • Application can be reached by visiting the link provided in the Terraform outputs as react_url.
  • The EC2 instances for the app require ECR access. This is given in the file.