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Intergration Guide

Shawn Zhang edited this page Aug 21, 2023 · 9 revisions


Haskell is great & proven language in decades, while it is not getting enough attention comparing with C/C++ / Java or Python. If you happened to be a Haskell shop, congratulations ! You can hack this library seamlessly !

If not , don't worry, there are plenty ways of enjoying Hastructure !

HTTP / docker

The most common or easy way to integrate is via HTTP/RESTful service . The implementation should be easy -> pull the docker image !

docker pull yellowbean/hastructure:latest
docker run -p 5000:8081 yellowbean/hastructure 

Then the RESTful service is running at 8081 , you are good to go ! ( Of course ,you have the option to change the port number by editing config.yml file



it's just a playground for user to what would look like.


In current stage, new features are major priorities and thus there isn't much time for writing the Haskell documents. There are two options:

  • Using absbox , it is just a wrapper to build request then sends to Hastructure server and it was shipped with fairly good documentation absbox-doc .

  • I'm happy to prepare for web meeting to assist.

OpenAPI spec

OpenAPI spec is being shipped alongside in the root folder.