Pathauth is designed to set up fine grained authorizations of resolvers as an orthogonal concern without compromising on performances and complexity.
As a developer, all you have to do is write the authorization resolvers that will resolve authorization attributes and to use these authorization attributes in the ::pa/auth
key of other resolvers' config.
The idea is to leverage the pathom planner to figure out on its own how to find the attributes needed to establish if the access to a particular attribute is authorized or not.
As a result an authorization can depend on any accessible attribute, or even on another authorization. If a path exists to solve the authorization, even a recursive one, Pathom will find it. And there is little to worry about performance, as batching and caching will perform with a minimal number of calls (eg to the database).
Current status:
- used with
is added to attributes that require authorization. - parser must be used in lenient mode
- queries are authorized with
(pa/auth-query authorization-attributes query)
(def auth-attributes (pa/auth-attributes all-attributes :production))
(def my-query (pa/auth-query auth-attributes tx))
- middleware needs to throw on resolver error and response needs to be cleaned up when ex-data
is true
{::p.plugin/id 'err
(fn [_]
(fn [env node error]
(if (= "Unauthorized" (ex-message error))
(throw (ex-info "Unauthorized" {:unauthorized true}))
(log/error (ex-message error) error)
(ex-message error)))))})
(if (-> response :com.wsscode.pathom3.error/error-data :unauthorized)
The development of Pathauth is still really early stage:
- no automated tests
- expected API breakage
- potential bugs
For these reasons the current way to use it is via deps.edn git/url:
yenda/pathauth {:git/url ""
:sha "latestsha"}
To set up fine grained authorization of your resolver, all you need to do is:
A classic Pathom resolver whose outputs are authorization attributes.
Inputs can be any arbitrary attribute that is needed to determine that the authorizations are granted.
Outputs are the authorization attributes that will be used in the ::pa/auth
config of other resolver.
They return nothing or throw unauthorized if the authorization is not granted.
(pco/defresolver parent?
[{:keys [parent-id] :as env} inputs]
{::pco/input [:child/id :parent/id]
::pco/batch? true
::pco/output [:child/parent?]}
(mapv (fn [input]
(when-not (= parent-id (:parent/id input))
(throw (ex-date "Unauthorized" {}))))))
To add authorization to a resolver you simply add ::pa/auth
to their config with the desired authorization attributes.
Run the project's tests:
$ clojure -T:build test
Run the project's CI pipeline and build a JAR:
$ clojure -T:build ci
This will produce an updated pom.xml
file with synchronized dependencies inside the META-INF
directory inside target/classes
and the JAR in target
. You can update the version (and SCM tag)
information in generated pom.xml
by updating build.clj
Install it locally (requires the ci
task be run first):
$ clojure -T:build install
Deploy it to Clojars -- needs CLOJARS_USERNAME
variables (requires the ci
task be run first):
$ clojure -T:build deploy
Your library will be deployed to net.clojars.yenda/pathauth on by default.
Copyright © 2023 Yenda
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.