RTL: A type of behavioral modeling, for the purpose of synthesis.
- ports
- data types
- Assigning values and numbers
- operators
- behavioral modeling: A components is described by its in/out response
- Continuous assingmentes
- procedural blocks
- Structural modeling: A component is described by interconnecting low-level component/primitives
- A function cannot call a task, but a task can call a function
- A function runs on time zero, no timing events are allowed
- A task may or may not run in time zero
A delta simulation time are evaluation of expressions, followed by value updates, causing more evaluations and more value updates.
timescale is used to determine how time is represented as an integer internally to the simulator
- begins with keyword
and ends with the keywordendmodule
- case sensitive
- statements end with semi-colon (;)
- all keywords are lower case
single line comment/**/
multiline comment- three port types
ìnput output inout
- port declaration
<port type> {[MSB:LSB]} <port_name>;
- data types
- variable can sythesize in reg
- Net data type: need to be driven all the time
Type Net | Definition |
wire |
Represents a node connection |
tri |
Represents a tri-state node |
supply0 |
Logic 0 |
supply1 |
Logic 1 |
Variable data types can be assinged only within a procedure, or a task or a function.
Type Var | Definition |
reg |
unsigned variable of any bit size |
integer |
signed 32-bit variable |
real |
no synthesis support |
time |
no synthesis support |
realtime |
no synthesis support |
- like defines in
, value assinged to a symbolic name - must resolve to a constatn at compile time
- can be overwritten at compile time
Same as paramenter but cannot be overwritten
it is also possible to configure the parameters at the module's instantiation
module multiplier
#(paramenter size = 8)(<por list>);
- Decimal (d or D)
= 16 bit wide decimal - Hexadecimal (h or H)
= 8bit wide Hexadecimal - Binary (b or B)
32-bit wide binary number - Octal (o or O)
= 32-bit wide octal number - Signed (s or S)
= signed 16-bit hex value
Blocking and non-blocking assingment (=) Blocking assingment: The whole statement is executed before passing to the next one
(<=) non-blocking assingment: evaluates all the right hand sides for the current time unit and assigns the left hand sides at the end of the time unit
Verilog scheduling semantics implies a four-level deep queue for the current simulation: 1.- Active events 2.- Inactive events 3.- non-blocking assign updates 4.- Monitor events
for readabilityx
high impedance
symbol | functionality | Example |
~ |
invert each bit | |
& |
AND each bit | |
`pipe | ` | OR each bit |
^ |
XOR each bit | |
~^ or^~ |
XNOR each bit |
Result is the size of the largest operand operates on each bit or bit pairing pf operands Operands are left-extended if sizes are different
symbol | functionality |
& |
AND all bits |
~& |
NAND all bits |
` | ` |
`~ | ` |
^ |
XOR all bits |
^~ or ~^ |
XNOR all bits |
Reduces a vector to a single value
result unknown if vector contains x or z!=
result unknown if vector contains x or z===
takes into account z and x for comparison!==
takes into account z and x for comparison
For if and while Same as in C Returns a 1 bit scalar value of boolean true or false x or z are both considered unknown in operands and result is always unknown
logical shift left>>
logical shift right<<<
arithmetic shift left (signed)>>>
arithmetic shift right (Signed)
Right shifts:
- Logical: Vacated positions always filled with zero
- arithmetic (unsigned) Vacated positions filled with zero
- arithmetic (signed): vacated positions filled with the value of the MSB Logical shift: Vacated positions always filled with zero Shifted values are lost
Conditional test. eg:
(condition)? true_value : false_value;
ain = 3'b010; bin = 3'b110
{ain, bin} = 6'b010_1100;
{3{3'b101}} => 9'b101101101
white space insensitive
module module_name(port lists);
[port declarations]
[Data type declarations]
[circuit functionality]
[timing specifications]
The purpose of the reset is to take the ASIC, FPGA or related to a known state and/or synchronize it to an input data stream. process the data, and then output it.
- Requires less gates than Sync reset
- Does not requires the clk to be active
- Suffers from metastability problems
always @ (posedge clk )
if ( reset == 1'b1) begin
c <= 0;
end else begin
c <= a;
- This kind of resets requires more gates to implement
- Requires that the clk is active always
- Synchronous reset does not have metastability problems
- Synchronous reset is slow
always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset)
if ( reset == 1'b1) begin
c <= 0;
end else begin
c <= a;