This code, written in Julia, is for visualizing the potential energy contours of an adsorbate molecule inside a nanoporous material. We superimpose onto the unit cell of the crystal a 3D grid of points and compute the potential energy of an adsorbate molecule at each point. The output of the program is a Gaussian cube file (file extension: .cube) of the potential energies (units: kJ/mol) of the adsorbate at the grid points.
With this .cube energy grid file, we can visualize the potential energy contours of the adsorbate inside the pores of the crystal as in the figure below.
The data folder contains the crystal structure file, the force field used to compute the potential energy of the adsorbate, and the atomic masses of the [pseudo-]atoms.
PEGrid requires the DataFrames
and Optim
packages in Julia. To install, type in Julia: Pkg.add("DataFrames")
PEGrid reads crystal structure files in the .cssr format. The popular .cif format can be converted to .cssr using Zeo++:
./network -cssr ${yourstructurename}.cif
Place the .cssr crystal structure files in data/structures
The force field is the model and parameters used to describe the potential energy of the adsorbate molecule with the atoms of the crystal structure. PEGrid models the interaction between the adsorbate a and crystal structure atom type i a distance r apart with the Lennard-Jones potential:
Currently, only adsorbates modeled as a Lennard-Jones sphere are supported; electrostatic charges and more complex molecules are not yet supported.
The Lennard-Jones parameters for the cross-interaction between adsorbate a and atom type i are computed from the pure a-a, i-i interactions using the following Lorenz-Berthelot mixing rules:
The pure i-i and a-a Lennard-Jones interaction parameters must be stored in data/forcefields/${yourforcefield}.csv
We mimic an infinite crystal by applying periodic boundary conditions. This is enabled by approximating interactions beyond a cutoff radius to be zero. The cutoff radius, technically part of the force field, is provided as an argument in the functions of PEGrid.
In order to calculate the crystal density of the framework, PEGrid stores the atomic masses (units: amu) of the atoms in data/atomicmasses.csv
Start up Julia by typing julia
into the terminal.
PEGrid computes the potential energy grid in both a serial implementation as well as a parallel implementation that fully utilizes the cores on your computer (much faster! Blog post).
As an example, say we want to use the UFF
forcefield to compute the energy of adsorbate molecule CH4
(modeled as a Lennard-Jones sphere) in crystal structure IRMOF-1
using a Lennard-Jones cutoff of 12.5 Angstrom on a 3D grid of points with a spacing of 1.0 Angstrom.
The following two lines of code in Julia will write a .cube grid file (units: kJ/mol) to your home directory.
writegrid("CH4", "IRMOF-1", "UFF", gridspacing=1.0, cutoff=12.5)
: corresponds to an atom listed in data/forcefields/UFF.csvIRMOF-1
: corresponds to crystal structure file data/structures/IRMOF-1.cssr
The code will print off the progress of the grid writing every 10%. Be patient, as computing fine grids and/or large unit cells lead to long computation times.
Check how many cores you have on your computer by typing in the terminal:
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l
We can speed up the computation of the energy grid by assigning each core on your computer a sheet of the energy grid to compute in parallel. To do this, start up Julia by telling it how many additional cores you want to utilize. For example, if you have 8 cores, start Julia in the termial using:
julia -p 7
Then the following two lines of code will compute the energy grid in parallel:
parallel_writegrid("CH4", "IRMOF-1", "UFF", gridspacing=1.0, cutoff=12.5)
You should observe a significant speed up in comparison to the serial implementation.
Use the VisIt visualization tool. Generate an .xyz file of the crystal structure, a .vtk file that represents the unit cell boundary, and a .cube file of the energy grid (all can be done using PEGrid). These will be stored in $HOME/PEGrid_output
. You can generate a VisIt script to make a visualization of the CH4
grid for IRMOF-1
using PEGrid by calling:
generate_visit_script("IRMOF-1", "CH4")
This will generate a VisIt script IRMOF-1_CH4_visit_script.visit
. You can copy and paste this into the VisIt command line by, after opening VisIt, going to Controls--> Command. VisIt should automatically open your files generated by PEGrid and show the crystal structure and unit cell boundary. You can modify the contour plot as you choose by double clicking on the contour plot in the Plots window of VisIt.
Say we have a .xyz file of positions of adsorbate molecules in the material from a Grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulation. Plotting the adsorbates as points is not very informative, since it is difficult to see the density of points-- especially as the number of snapshots gets large, which gives better statistical quality. PEGrid can partition the space of the unit cell into voxels and count the number of adsorbates that fall in each voxel. PEGrid stores this normalized probability density estimation in a Gaussian cube file to visualize as a cloud with a volume plot. e.g. VisIt can make volume plots.
Put your .xyz file of adsorbate positions in the main directory, named adsorbate_positions_$
If we want to visualize the density of Kr
adsorbates in the material IRMOF-1
, we use the following Julia code:
writeprobabilitydistncube("IRMOF-1", "Kr", 0.5)
The last argument gives the aim of widths in A for each bin along the a, b, and c axes of the crystal.
This will write a .cube file of the adsorbate probability density in $home/PEGrid_ouptut/$structurename_adsorbate_probability_distn.cube
An .xyz file contains a list of atoms in the crystal structure file, their identities, and their positions in Cartesian coordinates. An .xyz file is useful for visualizing the atoms of the crystal structure. PEGrid can replicate the unit cell of the crystal in each direction, so that the 'home' unit cell is in the center, and output a .xyz of the replicated crystal structure file.
The function replicate_cssr_to_xyz
will replicate the unit cell of the crystal and save an .xyz file in the current directory (just above the data
The function replicate_cssr_to_xyz(structurename::String; rep_factor::Int=1)
takes an additional, optional argument rep_factor
which is the number of times we desire to replicate the unit cell in the .cssr file.
First create a Framework
type, which reads the crystal coordinates, atomic identities, and unit cell sizes from the crystal structure file:
framework = Framework("${yourstructurename}")
Then, call the attribute function crystaldensity()
of the framework object to get the crystal density.
rho = framework.crystaldensity()
This returns the crystal density of the framework (units: kg/m3).
To get the chemical formula,
The .vtk mesh file allows us to visualize the boundaries of the unit cell. To generate a .vtk of the unit cell boundary, use the following Julia code:
The .vtk file ${yourstructurename}.vtk
will be written in the working directory (just above the data
e.g., to compute the potential energy of adsorbate CH4
in crystal structure IRMOF-1
using Lennard-Jones parameters in data/forcefield/UFF.csv
with a cutoff radius of 12.5 at the fractional coordinates (x_f, y_f, z_f)
, (x_f
, y_f
, and z_f
can be Array{Float64}'s), use the Julia code:
# array of fractional grid points at which we seek the potential energies
x_f = linspace(0, 1)
y_f = linspace(0, 1)
z_f = linspace(0, 1)
E = E_vdw_at_point("IRMOF-1", "UFF", "CH4", x_f, y_f, z_f, cutoff=12.5) # returns array of energies corresponding to these points
This will return the energy of the adsorbate at that fractional coordinate (units: Kelvin).
- include function to convert from Cartesian to fractional for this function
Cheers to Watson Research Scientist Richard Luis Martin for generally teaching me to store the grid and make these visualizations.