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knitr 1.33

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@yihui yihui released this 24 Apr 13:36
· 439 commits to master since this release


  • Exported the internal functions sew() (previously named wrap()) and is_low_change() to make it possible for other graphics systems such as rgl to work in knitr like base and grid graphics in base R (thanks, @dmurdoch, #1892 #1853).

  • For sql code chunks, parameterized queries will be executed through native database api if the chunk option params is provided (thanks, @byapparov, #1987).


  • Reverted the fix for #1595 since it caused problems in kableExtra (thanks, @bttomio, haozhu233/kableExtra#607), and applied a different fix to the original problem (i.e., add {} before [).


  • The internal S3 generic function wrap() has been renamed to sew().


  • For package vignettes that use the vignette engine knitr::docco_linear or knitr::docco_classic, knitr will signal an error during R CMD build if the markdown package is not declared as a soft dependency in the Suggests field in DESCRIPTION. The same treatment has been applied in the previous version of knitr for the vignette engine knitr::knitr (#1864).

  • R CMD build will signal an error when a package uses R Markdown vignettes to be build with the rmarkdown package but the rmarkdown package is not installed (thanks, @nsheff, #1864).

  • The force_v1 argument of knit2html() defaults to getOption('knitr.knit2html.force_v1', FALSE) now, which means its value can be configured via a global option.