Label one instance as master the rest of the node instance as slave/node
Change all the hostname accordingly master - nusiss.puppetmaster.edu.sg slave 1 - nusiss.puppetslave1.edu.sg
slave 2 - nusiss.puppetslave2.edu.sg
Exit and logout the system after changing hostname of all the 3 instances
Lets fixed all the master and slave servers with their ip and hostname on the host file
- Make sure all the instances about to ping each other
- Make sure all the packages within the Ubuntu is up to date
- On the puppet master host install the master software
- On both the slave install the puppet agent software, puppetslave1 and puppetslave2
- Check whether the puppet master service is up nusiss.puppetmaster.edu.sg
- On the slave instance, check both the service of the agent is up
- Configure both agent to be aware of the master node
- Send certificate from agent to the master
Over the master side sign the request certificate
13 Preapre and validate manifest for the installation of software that do not happens to be available on the agent instances
Validate the pp configuration file
- To force the update on the agent side
- By right all agents are configured with update interval of 5 secs.