Don't Touch the Wall is a game project of a Nand2Tetris course.
- Go to Nand2Tetris website, select Software section, and download the "Nand2Tetris Software Suite". (Link:
- Download the files from vm code to a single directory.
- Open the VMEmulator from the "Nand2Tetris Software Suite"
- Load the whole vm code folder into the program
- Switch 'Program flow' to 'No Animation' and click run to execute the program.
Don't Touch the Wall has 3 levels. In each level, the goal is to go from the starting position and reach the end of the map. As you are playing, you can use press Up, Down, Left, Right to control the player. As the name of the game suggests, if the player slightly touches the wall, it's game over, and you'll have to restart the level.
The game also has a timer shown on the side of the game. You have to get to the finish before time runs out.
If you find it hard to pass the game, maybe you can check the source file for some hidden features to help you!
An easy-to-read game panel beside the map to show useful information (current level, remaining time, etc)
Touching the walls show a clear message of game over.
Congratulations! Well done. (for general game ideas) (for general game ideas)