Welcome to the BEST pizza-ordering interface EVER!
You can either have a look at a menu or order some pizza.
Main command interface is a command line one, made using click
Pizza choices:
- Pepperoni,
- Hawaiian,
- Margherita.
Size choices:
- M,
- L,
- XL.
python cli.py menu
We can deliver your pizza to you or it is possible to take it yourself.
With delivery: python cli.py order Margherita --delivery
Without one: python cli.py order Hawaiian
You can even choose size: python cli.py order Pepperoni --size=M
Test set is linux, Python 3.8.6, pytest 6.2.1, cov 2.10.1
│============= test session starts =============│
│platform linux -- Python 3.8.6, pytest-6.2.1, p│
│y-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 │
│rootdir: /home/yk4r2/Documents/Pizza │
│plugins: cov-2.10.1 │
│collected 12 items │
│ │
│tests/test_cli.py ...... [ 50%] │
│tests/test_pizza.py ...... [100%] │
│ │
│============= 12 passed in 0.07s ==============│
This is all I achieved with my *** idea to use regular expressions is 50% coverage. I'd better use mock.patch, but "it is too easy".
This file was reformatted by black
and additionally checked up using flake8
with maximum string length of 101.