This is a RosNode to translate the sound signal to western notation, based on the base version from Michael.
This installation instruction has been currently verified only at the lab compute.
- Come to your project position, the build the python virtualenv:
python -m venv env_sound2note --system-site-packages && source env_sound2note/bin/activate
- Build you ros workspace:
mkdir -p ws_soud2note/src && cd ws_soud2note/src
- Download the code:
git clone
- Install the python requirements:
pip install librosa
, and thepip install crepe
- Activate the ros environment on the computer:
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
, or write this command into~/.bashrc
- Because the
in lab computer is out of date, so you need to download it and rebuild, thereforegit clone
- Try to build the package:
catkin build
- Action current built ros package:
source devel/setup.bash
- Start the sound capture node:
roslaunch music_perception microphone.launch
- Open a new terminal and start the note onset detection node:
roslaunch music_perception detect_onset.launch
(don't forget to activate the python venv and source thesetup.bash
of both ros noetic and the ros package built before) - To see the topic relationship: open new terminal and then
- To see the spectrum: open rviz with
, and then add a display with typeimage
, choose the topic/spectrogram
, then you'll see something like heatmap, that is the spectrum, and you can play with it.