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BLOSUM62-2 matrix for sequence similarity
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riasc committed Mar 10, 2024
1 parent 4a01312 commit 6e5c7fb
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions workflow/scripts/prioritization/BLOSUM62-2.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
A 3.9029 0.6127 0.5883 0.5446 0.8680 0.7568 0.7413 1.0569 0.5694 0.6325 0.6019 0.7754 0.7232 0.4649 0.7541 1.4721 0.9844 0.4165 0.5426 0.9365
R 0.6127 6.6656 0.8586 0.5732 0.3089 1.4058 0.9608 0.4500 0.9170 0.3548 0.4739 2.0768 0.6226 0.3807 0.4815 0.7672 0.6778 0.3951 0.5560 0.4201
N 0.5883 0.8586 7.0941 1.5539 0.3978 1.0006 0.9113 0.8637 1.2220 0.3279 0.3100 0.9398 0.4745 0.3543 0.4999 1.2315 0.9842 0.2778 0.4860 0.3690
D 0.5446 0.5732 1.5539 7.3979 0.3015 0.8971 1.6878 0.6343 0.6786 0.3390 0.2866 0.7841 0.3465 0.2990 0.5987 0.9135 0.6948 0.2321 0.3457 0.3365
C 0.8680 0.3089 0.3978 0.3015 19.5766 0.3658 0.2859 0.4204 0.3550 0.6535 0.6423 0.3491 0.6114 0.4390 0.3796 0.7384 0.7406 0.4500 0.4342 0.7558
Q 0.7568 1.4058 1.0006 0.8971 0.3658 6.2444 1.9017 0.5386 1.1680 0.3829 0.4773 1.5543 0.8643 0.3340 0.6413 0.9656 0.7913 0.5094 0.6111 0.4668
E 0.7413 0.9608 0.9113 1.6878 0.2859 1.9017 5.4695 0.4813 0.9600 0.3305 0.3729 1.3083 0.5003 0.3307 0.6792 0.9504 0.7414 0.3743 0.4965 0.4289
G 1.0569 0.4500 0.8637 0.6343 0.4204 0.5386 0.4813 6.8763 0.4930 0.2750 0.2845 0.5889 0.3955 0.3406 0.4774 0.9036 0.5793 0.4217 0.3487 0.3370
H 0.5694 0.9170 1.2220 0.6786 0.3550 1.1680 0.9600 0.4930 13.5060 0.3263 0.3807 0.7789 0.5841 0.6520 0.4729 0.7367 0.5575 0.4441 1.7979 0.3394
I 0.6325 0.3548 0.3279 0.3390 0.6535 0.3829 0.3305 0.2750 0.3263 3.9979 1.6944 0.3964 1.4777 0.9458 0.3847 0.4432 0.7798 0.4089 0.6304 2.4175
L 0.6019 0.4739 0.3100 0.2866 0.6423 0.4773 0.3729 0.2845 0.3807 1.6944 3.7966 0.4283 1.9943 1.1546 0.3711 0.4289 0.6603 0.5680 0.6921 1.3142
K 0.7754 2.0768 0.9398 0.7841 0.3491 1.5543 1.3083 0.5889 0.7789 0.3964 0.4283 4.7643 0.6253 0.3440 0.7038 0.9319 0.7929 0.3589 0.5322 0.4565
M 0.7232 0.6226 0.4745 0.3465 0.6114 0.8643 0.5003 0.3955 0.5841 1.4777 1.9943 0.6253 6.4815 1.0044 0.4239 0.5986 0.7938 0.6103 0.7084 1.2689
F 0.4649 0.3807 0.3543 0.2990 0.4390 0.3340 0.3307 0.3406 0.6520 0.9458 1.1546 0.3440 1.0044 8.1288 0.2874 0.4400 0.4817 1.3744 2.7694 0.7451
P 0.7541 0.4815 0.4999 0.5987 0.3796 0.6413 0.6792 0.4774 0.4729 0.3847 0.3711 0.7038 0.4239 0.2874 12.8375 0.7555 0.6889 0.2818 0.3635 0.4431
S 1.4721 0.7672 1.2315 0.9135 0.7384 0.9656 0.9504 0.9036 0.7367 0.4432 0.4289 0.9319 0.5986 0.4400 0.7555 3.8428 1.6139 0.3853 0.5575 0.5652
T 0.9844 0.6778 0.9842 0.6948 0.7406 0.7913 0.7414 0.5793 0.5575 0.7798 0.6603 0.7929 0.7938 0.4817 0.6889 1.6139 4.8321 0.4309 0.5732 0.9809
W 0.4165 0.3951 0.2778 0.2321 0.4500 0.5094 0.3743 0.4217 0.4441 0.4089 0.5680 0.3589 0.6103 1.3744 0.2818 0.3853 0.4309 38.1078 2.1098 0.3745
Y 0.5426 0.5560 0.4860 0.3457 0.4342 0.6111 0.4965 0.3487 1.7979 0.6304 0.6921 0.5322 0.7084 2.7694 0.3635 0.5575 0.5732 2.1098 9.8322 0.6580
V 0.9365 0.4201 0.3690 0.3365 0.7558 0.4668 0.4289 0.3370 0.3394 2.4175 1.3142 0.4565 1.2689 0.7451 0.4431 0.5652 0.9809 0.3745 0.6580 3.6922

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