I don't like in some i18n file add different string, and in your code use a atlas. i18fn is zero config i18n package, juse in you code like this:
$ npm i --save i18fn
const i18fn = require('i18fn');
const hello = i18fn({ English: 'hello', Chinese: '你好' });
const i18fn = require('i18fn');
const personHello = i18fn(
{ English: '__person__, hello', Chinese: '__person__, 你好' },
person: { English: 'Mr.Ming', Chinese: '小明' },
If HTML language is chinese, but your forget add chinese txt, like this:
const say = i18fn({ English: 'hello' });
// In production, i18fn use english to forget language
// And In Devloper, i18fn use add - [Miss i18fn: languageType] in english
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
console.log(say); // hello
} else {
console.log(say); // hello - [Miss i18fn: english]
If we want to modify the current language with settings, we can manually modify the current language to override the browser's language recognition:
const i18fn = require('i18fn');
Normally, a language is a configuration file, but when you need to add a new string, you need to open many language files one by one, often missing. We can write multiple languages in a file like this:
const { lang } = require('i18fn');
const languages = {
done: lang({ English: 'done!', Chinese: '完成!' }),
hello: lang({ English: 'hello', Chinese: '你好' }),
please: params => lang({ English: '__open__, please.', Chinese: '请__open__.' }, params),
open: { English: 'Open the box', Chinese: '打开盒子' },
- English
- Chinese
- ChineseTraditional
- Dutch
- Korea
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Russian
- Arabic
- Vietnamese
- Polish
- Finnish
- Afrikaans
- Khmer
- Thai
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Zulu
If you need add Magyar language, like this:
const i18fn = require('i18fn');
i18fn.addLanguage('hu-HU', 'Magyar');
// ok like default use:
const hello = i18fn({ English: 'hello', Magyar: 'helló' });
Install package jest:
$ yarn install && yarn test
You can check test in src/index.test.js
$ jest
PASS src/index.test.js
✓ test chinese (4ms)
✓ test english
✓ test english params (1ms)
✓ test english params, use object
✓ test config
✓ test config function (1ms)
✓ test error chinese
✓ test error english
✓ test error chinese prod
✓ test error english prod (1ms)
✓ test add other language
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 10 passed, 10 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.257s
Ran all test suites.
✨ Done in 1.80s.
That's all, thank.
i18fn is MIT licensed.