Exploring state-of-the-art state management and testing practices for ReactJS in 2022
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App using the TypeScript template.
- Only tested on a mac development machine (some scripts might need adaption to work on windows)
and npm LTS must be installed on dev machineDocker
must be installed on dev machine
# Generate client code for order-service API (required for frontend):
# Install dependencies:
npm install
# Run in development mode (on port 3000):
npm start
# Run unit and integration tests:
npm test
# Run e2e tests:
npm run cypress:open
- CRA using TypeScript template
- Routing using react-router-dom and BrowserRouter
- State management using Redux Toolkit
- Redux middleware using Thunk (default from Redux Toolkit)
- Fetching data using RTK Query
- React error boundary
- Form validation using Formik
- Unit and integration testing including a real store using react-testing-library and msw for mocking network requests
- E2e testing using cypress (stubbed network calls)
- Client code generation based on OpenAPI specification
- CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Pages, including testing and deployment
- Embed build version information into deployed frontend artifact based on commit hash and build number
- Environment e2e testing for full integration tests of front- and backend
- Visual regression testing with Cypress snapshot plugin
- Redux Toolkit TypeScript quick start
- Official CRA template project using redux toolkit and typescript
- Redux async logic
- Guidelines for writing tests for Redux
- Redux Toolkit Query Overview
This project uses Swagger CodeGen and OpenAPI to generate parts of the consumer code for the order service API.
- The provided script expects you to have
installed on your machine to be able to execute the code generation
# Generate the TypeScript client code:
# This will create a folder `generated` containing the generated client code
- Where to place the generated code ideally?
- How to split the generated APIs into separate files (e.g. by controller)?
- Currently only consuming generated models (interfaces) -> check what else can be used from the generated code
- Differences to OpenAPI Tools / openapi-generator?
- Swagger CodeGen Github Repo
- Swagger Editor - Online
- Swagger Pet Store Github Repo (reference implementation)
- npm package that wraps Swagger CodeGen
This application defines the following test boundaries:
- Unit and integration tests that cover the collaboration of one or more components in collaboration with Redux (including middleware). Mocking happens on the network layer.
- E2e tests using Cypress. These tests cover the frontend e2e and run against a fully running frontend. Network requests are intercepted and stubbed.
- Tbd
E2e environment tests:
- These tests run against a target environment (e.g. test environment) and cover the integration of front- and backend.
- They should run automatically prior to a release.
There is currently only one target environment that is configured in the CD pipeline as follows:
The backend is currently deployed to Heroku (free tier):
Manage through Heroku dashboard.
The frontend is deployed as a static site to Vercel:
Manage through Vercel dashboard
Tech debt
- It looks like Vercel only allows overriding one single build command. If we have multiple environments, the current approach of overriding the build command in
is not possible. - The current free services come with their limitations. Consider deploying to a cloud environment instead.