WARNING: The repository moved to the DevCentral https://github.com/f5devcentral/volterra-gke-vk8s-guide
This guide provides the steps, the sample app, and the automation scripts for a hands-on exploration of two of Volterra's use-cases: (a) multi-cloud networking between two Kubernetes clusters, and (b) deploying a distributed workload to the Volterra global network.
If you're only interested in the multi-cloud networking piece, follow the pre-requisite Google GCP environment setup and part A: Connect K8s Clusters. If you'd like to explore deployment of a workload to Volterra, and the secure connectivity of the workload to GCP, make sure to check out Part B: Deploy a distributed workload as well.
The guide and the included Terraform scripts make it easy to get moving quickly by creating a realistic 'starter' environment in Google GCP (Google GKE managed Kubernetes service, networking, etc). Please recognize that you are solely responsible for the resources that you create and those created by the scripts; so make sure to review the scripts and run them only at your own discretion, given the permissions required for script execution. Finally, we recommend cleaning up by removing any resources you no longer need once you've completed this guide.
Table of Contents
In this guide we will use a fictitious e-Commerce application scenario: a BuyTime Online store looking to improve its front-end application user experience by implementing a globally-distributed Find-a-Store service. We will get familiar (and hands-on) with the following Volterra services: VoltConsole, VoltMesh, and Volterra Global Network by F5. These are used to securely connect between Kubernetes deployments, as well as enable a distributed app services running at the geographically dispersed Regional Edge (RE) locations.
In the Google Environment Setup section we will use the included Terraform scripts to create the required GKE infrastructure and the "initial" state app deployment. Then we'll use VoltConsole to connect two Kubernetes (K8s) clusters: a Google GKE cluster and a virtual K8s (vK8s) running in Volterra. The vK8s is used in place of any other K8s cluster, which could be a standalone cluster or a managed K8s on any other cloud provider. Lastly, we will deploy a container-based distributed workload to the Volterra Global Network to improve the performance of the Find-a-Store service at the customer edge.
Let's get started!
- Google GCP Account https://cloud.google.com/
- Google Cloud SDK https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstart
- Terraform https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli
- Kubectl https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/
- Volterra account https://volterra.io
The initial environment in GCP contains the "initial" deployment of the BuyTime Online without the Find-a-Service function, running on the Google GKE managed K8s cluster. This cluster will be subsequently connected to the vK8s deployment of the Find-a-Store service on the Regional Edge (RE), providing secure networking from the distributed Find-a-Store service to the MySQL running on GKE to periodically pull US Zip code & store coordinate data from a central location.
1.1 Sign in to the GCP Console. In the search field type Manage Resources to find and proceed to the Cloud Resource Manager.
1.2 Click Create Project to create a new resource which we will use for the guide.
1.3 Type in Volterra GKE Guide in the Project name field and click Create button.
1.4 Copy Project ID property.
1.5 And paste it to the project_id variable in the ./terraform/variables.tf file like on the screenshot below. Here you can configure preferred region as well. By default, we will use us-east1 region.
1.6 Go to the terminal and execute the gcloud auth login command to authorize gcloud to access the Cloud Platform with Google user credentials.
1.7 Sign in Google Cloud SDK with your Google Cloud credentials.
1.8 Grant permissions to your Google Account by clicking Allow button.
1.9 Copy the authorization code.
1.10 Paste it to the terminal.
1.11 Execute the gcloud auth application-default login command to acquire new user credentials to use for Application Default Credentials for the terraform scripts. The flow is the same as in 1.7-1.10 steps.
1.12 The guide requires Compete Engine API and Kubernetes Engine API to be enabled. Open the following links to enable these APIs. If the API is already activated then you won't see the activate button and can skip this step.
1.13 We will need to run the terraform init command from the ./terraform directory, which will initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files.
1.14 After we prepared the current working directory for use with Terraform, let's run the terraform plan command. This will create an execution plan.
1.15 Run the terraform apply command that executes the actions proposed in the terraform plan created a step above.
NOTE: If you receive the error that API has not been used in the project, then go back to the step 1.12 and check that all APIs are enabled.
1.16 After the terraform plan has been executed, let's configure kubectl so that we could connect to a Google GKE cluster. Run the following command:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials
1.17 One step left - deploying the BuyTime Online resources to Google GKE cluster. Go to the k8s-deployments directory and run the following command:
kubectl apply -f gke-deployment.yaml
1.18 Let's now see how the BuyTime Online deployment looks like on the GKE cluster. For that we need to get a LoadBalancer endpoint name. Run the kubectl get services command and copy buytime-external IP address.
1.19 Open IP address in the browser. It may take some time to create resources.
In this section we will use Volterra to make a connection between a Google GKE cluster and virtual K8s running in Volterra (any other Kubernetes can be used instead, for example, a managed K8s deployed on a different cloud provider). This provides a single point of deployment and management of container-based workloads to multiple K8s clusters potentially running in multiple clouds.
First, we'll need to generate a site token, which is used among a few other things to deploy and configure a K8s cluster as a Volterra Site. Then we'll update the manifest with the generated token, and, finally, we'll deploy it.
1.1 Log in the VoltConsole and go to the System namespace. Then navigate to Site Management in the configuration menu, and select Site Tokens from the options pane.
1.2 Click Add site token to open the form and create a new token.
1.3 Then enter the site name. Description field is optional. Click Add site token button at the bottom of the form.
1.4 Copy the token UID to use it for the manifest file in the next step.
Open the kubernetes deployment file located at ./k8s-deployments/volterra-k8s-manifest.yaml. Replace the token generated in the previous step with <token> at line 102 like on the screen below and save the file. The edited manifest will later be applied to spawn a Volterra Mesh on the GKE cluster. The original manifest template file can be found here: Manifest Template.
Go to the ./k8s-deployments directory, open the console and run the following command: kubectl apply –f volterra-k8s-manifest.yaml. This deploys the site using the created manifest file.
The Site we just configured will show up as a new registration request in the VoltConsole. We now need to approve the registration request for the site.
4.1 Go back to the VoltConsole, the System tab. Navigate to the Site Management menu option to accept the pending registration. Select Registrations from the options pane. You will see your site in the displayed list.
4.2 Click the tick to load the Registration Acceptance form.
4.3 Click the Save and Exit button to save the registration.
We have now configured our Site, so let's see its status, including health score. Go to the Site List tab and you’ll see the dashboard of your site. In the screenshot below, we can see that the site is up and running, with 100% health score.
Note: It may take a few minutes for the health and connectivity status to get updated in the portal.
Volterra provides mechanism to easily deploy distributed app services to Regional Edge (RE) locations by using the Volterra Global Network. First, in Step (1) we will create a virtual K8s (vK8s) spanning multiple geographic locations, and then in the Step (2) deploy a Find-a-Store app service and an updated BuyTime Online front-end closer to the RE locations, which will improve app performance by delivering the applications closer to geographically-dispersed end users.
Virtual Kubernetes (vK8s) clusters are fully-functional Kubernetes deployments that can span multiple geographic regions, clouds, and even on-prem environments. Let's now follow a few steps below to create a vK8s object in VoltConsole, associate with a virtual site that groups Volterra sites, download kubeconfig of the created vK8s and test connectivity.
a) Select Applications tab and then navigate to Virtual K8s from the configuration menu. Click Add virtual K8s to create a vK8s object.
b) Let's now give the vK8s a name and then move on to Select Vsite Ref: the virtual-site reference of locations on the Volterra network where vK8s will be instantiated. We will use the default virtual-site for our vK8s.
c) Check the box just next to ves-io-all-res to associate the virtual site that selects all Volterra network cloud sites, and click Select Vsite Ref.
d) Continue to apply the virtual site to the vK8s configuration. Click Save and Exit to complete creating the vK8s clusters in all Volterra Regional Edge (RE) sites.
The process of creating a vK8s cluster takes just a minute, and after that you will be all set to deploy and distribute app workloads onto this new infrastructure.
We will now need a kubeconfig file for our cluster. Kubeconfig stores information about clusters, users, namespaces, and authentication mechanisms. We will download the Kubeconfig entering the certificate expiry date when prompted.
a) Open the dropdown menu by clicking three dots and start downloading Kubeconfig.
b) Open the calendar and select the expiry date.
c) Click Download credential to start the download.
d) As you can see, Kubeconfig is downloaded.
e) Copy the downloaded Kubeconfig into the k8s-deployments folder.
Open CLI, and run the following command kubectl --kubeconfig ./ves_default_vk8s.yaml cluster-info to test if the created vK8s cluster is connected. If it's successfully accomplished, the output will show that it's running at Volterra.
After vK8s cluster has been created and tested, we can target our Find-a-Store service and an updated version of the BuyTime front-end to the geographically distributed Regional Edge (RE) locations. The Find-a-Store service will use VoltMesh to securely connect back to the deployment on Google in order to retrieve store location and US ZIP code & geolocation data.
We'll create internal TCP and public HTTP load balancers, connecting Volterra with GKE cluster (with app's backend), and Volterra with the internet, respectively. Then we will test if the resources are successfully deployed to Volterra Edge and available.
Using Kubeconfig, we will now deploy our app to Volterra Edge moving there its front-end and Find-a-Store service. Open CLI and run the following command:
kubectl --kubeconfig ./ves_default_vk8s.yaml apply -f vk8s-deployment.yaml
The output will show the services created.
Let's now create an internal TCP load balancer to connect Volterra with k8s cluster (where the app's backend is), then add and configure an origin pool. Origin pools consist of endpoints and clusters, as well as routes and advertise policies that are required to make the application available to the internet.
a) In the Application tab, navigate to Load Balancers and then select TCP Load Balancers in the options. Then click Add TCP Load Balancer to open the load balancer creation form.
b) Enter a name for the TCP load balancer in the Metadata section, and domain that will be matched to this balancer. A domain can be delegated to Volterra, so that Domain Name Service (DNS) entries can be created quickly in order to deploy and route traffic to our workload within seconds. For this flow, let's use buytime-database.internal domain.
Then fill in listen port 3306 for the TCP proxy, and move on to creating origin pool that will be used for this load balancer by clicking Configure origin pools.
c) The origin pools are a mechanism to configure a set of endpoints grouped together into a resource pool that is used in the load balancer configuration.
Let's create a new Origin Pool, which will be used in our load balancer by clicking Add item.
d) Click Create new origin pool to open the origin pool creation form.
e) Enter a unique name for the origin pool, and then select K8s Service Name of Origin Server on given Sites as the type of origin server. Note that we will need to indicate the Origin Server service name, which follows the format of servicename.namespace. For this flow, use the namespace in which you deployed application in GKE cluster. Let's specify buytime-database.<your-gke-ns>.
After that select site reference to site object gke-cluster. This specifies where the origin server is located.
Select Outside Network on the site and enter the port 3306 where endpoint service will be available. Click Continue to move on.
f) Click Apply to apply the configuration of origin pool to the load balancer. This will return to the load balancer configuration form.
g) Let's configure the method to advertise VIP. Select Advertise Custom on specific sites which will advertise the VIP on specific sites, not on public network with default VIP. Then click Configure.
h) Select Virtual Site to advertise load balancer on a virtual site with the given network. Then select vK8s Service Network as network type to be used on site and move on to selecting reference to virtual site object - shared/ves-io-all-res covering all regional edge sites across Volterra ADN.
Apply custom advertise VIP configuration.
i) Finish creating the load balancer by clicking Save and Exit.
Great! The internal TCP load balancer is now configured and created, and Volterra is connected with our GKE cluster with app's backend. Let's move on to creating public load balancer.
We will use Volterra HTTP Load Balancer as a Reverse Proxy to route traffic to resources located on Volterra vk8s and GKE based on the URI prefix. Let's follow the steps below to create load balancer for our app, an origin pool for frontend, and add routes for the load balancer - backend and find-a-store-service.
a) In the Application tab, navigate to Load Balancers and then select HTTP Load Balancers in the options. Then click Add HTTP Load Balancer to open the load balancer creation form.
b) First, enter the load balancer name. Then provide a domain name for our workload: a domain can be delegated to Volterra, so that Domain Name Service (DNS) entries can be created quickly in order to deploy and route traffic to our workload within seconds. Let’s use buytime.example.com as an example. Finally, move on to creating an origin pool that will be used for this load balancer by clicking Configure.
c) The origin pools are a mechanism to configure a set of endpoints grouped together into a resource pool that is used in the load balancer configuration.
Let's create a new Origin Pool, which will be used in our load balancer by clicking Add item.
d) Click Create new origin pool to open the origin pool creation form.
e) Enter a unique name for the origin pool, and then select K8s Service Name of Origin Server on given Sites as the type of origin server. Note that we will need to indicate the Origin Server service name, which follows the format of servicename.namespace. For this flow, use the namespace in which you deployed the vk8s cluster. Let's specify frontend.<your-vk8s-ns>.
After that select site Virtual Site as site where the origin server will be located. Specify reference to the virtual site object - shared/ves-io-all-res which includes all Regional Edge Sites across Volterra. After that, select vK8s Networks on Site as network, which means that origin server is on vK8s network on the site. And then enter the port 80 where endpoint service will be available. Click Continue to move on.
f) Click Apply to apply the configuration of origin pool to the load balancer. This will return to the load balancer configuration form.
g) Enable Show Advanced Fields to configure routes for the load balancer. Click Configure to move on.
h) Let's add a route for the load balancer by clicking Add item.
i) Select ANY HTTP Method for the route and specify /api/v1 path prefix. Then click Configure to add origin pools for the route.
j) Click Add item to add an origin pool for the route.
k) Click Create new origin pool to open the origin pool creation form.
l) Enter a unique name for the origin pool, and then select K8s Service Name of Origin Server on given Sites as the type of origin server. Note that we will need to indicate the Origin Server service name, which follows the format of servicename.namespace. For this flow, use the namespace in which you deployed application in GKE cluster. Let's specify backend.<your-gke-ns>.
After that select Site as site where the origin server will be located. Specify site reference to site object gke-cluster. This specifies where the origin server is located.
Select Outside Network on the site and enter the port 80 where endpoint service will be available. Click Continue to move on.
m) Click Apply to apply the configuration of route origin pool. This will return to the route configuration form.
n) Click Add item to configure the second route for the load balancer.
o) Select ANY HTTP Method for the route and specify /api/v2 path prefix. Then click Configure to add origin pools for the route.
p) Click Add item to add an origin pool for the route.
q) Click Create new origin pool to open the origin pool creation form.
r) Enter a unique name for the origin pool, and then select K8s Service Name of Origin Server on given Sites as the type of origin server. Note that we will need to indicate the Origin Server service name, which follows the format of servicename.namespace. For this flow, use the namespace in which you deployed application in GKE cluster. Let's specify find-a-store-service.<your-gke-ns>.
After that select site Virtual Site as site where the origin server will be located. Specify reference to the virtual site object - shared/ves-io-all-res which includes all Regional Edge Sites across Volterra. After that, select vK8s Networks on Site as network, which means that origin server is on vK8s network on the site. And then enter the port 80 where endpoint service will be available. Click Continue to move on.
s) Click Apply to apply the configuration of route origin pool. This will return to the route configuration form.
t) Click Apply to apply the configuration of routes to the load balancer. This will return to the load balancer configuration form.
u) Finish creating the load balancer by clicking Save and Exit.
v) Let's now copy the generated CNAME for our HTTP load balancer to see if the app, whose frontend and Find-a-Store service are located in Volterra Edge, works.
Open any browser and paste the copied CNAME. You will see BuyTime front-end with the Find-a-Store service, which serves geographically-dispersed user base. The Regional Edge deployment of the BuyTime closest to the user will respond to requests and perform nearest store calculations at the customer edge. Volterra VoltMesh creates the networking to securely connect the Find-a-Store services to the one central managed K8s deployment in Google to periodically pull data from DataBase.
Let's give it a shot, by trying some US zip codes: 19001 and 98007.
Congratulations, you used Volterra to connect two K8s clusters, deploy a distributed app service to the customer edge, and securely connect those deployments back to the app backend on Google!
Now you're ready to use Volterra with your own apps & workloads!