ModBusTools is a C# .Net meant to make Modbus protocol more friendly to use, especialty if you need to make some experiments with a new Modbus device. It works with any Yoctopuce devices featuring Modbus protocol such as Yocto-RS485, Yocto-RS232 and Yocto-Serial. Theses can act as Modbus masters and control both RTU and ASCII Modbus devices.
Main features are:
- Scan bus for slave addresses
- Read/write coils
- Scan for available coils
- Read input bits
- Scan for available input bits
- Read input registers
- Scan for available input registers
- Read/write holding registers
- Scan for available holding registers
- Modbus snopping and packet decoding
You will find more information about this application on Yoctopuce website. If you are not much into programming and are only interested in installing ModbusTool, here is a page linking to Windows and Linux binaries .
The Linux version requires Mono.