CsvToJson Parser is node based library converting CSV text into arrays / objects. It implements the Node.js stream API and es2018 aysnc generators iterables.
const { csvToJson,
jsonToCsvFromFile }
= require('csv-json-parser')
##Config Options
// const { outputMode = 'string', delimiter = ',', skipComments = false, headers = false, , headersArray = [] } = config
option | description | default |
file | valid file path | |
url | url implementing file protocol | |
csvString | csv string | |
outputMode | stream or string | stream |
delimiter | ,,:,#,@,!,\t,^,* | , |
skipComments | false or true | false |
headers | false or true | false |
headersArray | [array] | [] |
// const { outputMode = 'string', delimiter = ',', skipComments = false, headers = false, , headersArray = [] } = config
option | description | default |
file | valid file path | |
url | url implementing file protocol | |
jsonString | json string | |
outputMode | stream or string | stream |
delimiter | ,,:,#,@,!,\t,^,* | , |
newline: | "\n" or "\r\n" | "\n" |
headers | false or true | false |
quoteChar | ' " | " |
const csvString = `policyID>statecode>county>eq_site_limit>hu_site_limit>fl_site_limit>fr_site_limit>tiv_2011>tiv_2012>eq_site_deductible>hu_site_deductible>fl_site_deductible>fr_site_deductible>point_latitude>point_longitude>line>construction>point_granularity
223488>FL>CLAY COUNTY>328500>328500>328500>328500>328500>348374.25>0>16425>0>0>30.102217>-81.707146>Residential>Wood>1`
// custom headers
const headersArr = ["jkjl", "fr_site_limit", "tiv_2011", "tiv_2012", "fr_site", "tiv_20177", "tiv_201776", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "policyID", "statecode", "county"]
// comsuming using for csv string
const output = await csvToJson({ csvString, delimiter: '>', outputMode: 'string', headers: headersArr })
// output as string
const string = await csvToJson({ path: 'small.csv', delimiter: ',', outputMode: 'string', headers: true, skipComments: true })
const streamForAwait = await csvToJson({ path: 'sample.csv', delimiter: ',', outputMode: 'stream', headers: true })
// comsuming using for await
for await (const line of streamForAwait) {
// console.log("\n", line);
// consuming using streams
const stream = await csvToJson({ path: 'sample.csv', delimiter: ',', outputMode: 'stream', headers: true })
stream.on('data', (data) => {
// console.log(data)
stream.on('end', () => {
// console.log("stream end")
Refer ./examples folder for more details
npm run test
- Should be able to handle errors, continue parsing even for ambiguous CSV's and return the errors for each row
- Make your library Universal JavaScript (aka isomorphic JavaScript).
- Support worker thread by passing a config. That is, the computation will not happen on main thread but on worker threads.
- Auto detect the delimiter
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.