Simple PHP wrapper for the Mailjet API for sending sms.
- This wrapper requires PHP v5.4 or higher.
- This wrapper requires cUrl.
Official documentation for the API at
The SMS API the authorization is based on a Bearer token. Signup with Mailjet to get a token
//create a new instance
$apikey = '01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef';
$oApi = new Mailjetsms($apikey);
//Send an SMS
$aData = [
'from': 'Your sender ID',
'to': '+31600000000',
'text': 'Your short message',
$oResponse = $oApi->send($aData);
if( $oResponse->success ){
printf('Message %s is on the way to %s.', $oResponse->MessageId, $oResponse->To);
It's possible to set a default 'from' and a default 'countrycode'.
$oApi = new Mailjetsms($apikey);
$oApi->from = 'Your sender ID';
$oApi->countrycode = '31';
$aData = [
'to': '06-12345678',
'text': 'Your short message',
$oResponse = $oApi->send($aData);