Go Web Applications
This repository is managed by JEREMY YON (G00330435) of Galway Mayo Institute of Technology.
Software needed to run the code
- GO1 9.1 (Download here: https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.9.1.windows-amd64.msi)
Cloning this repository:
Step by step methods to clone this repository to your local machine.
Step 1: In cmder, change directory (cd) to the folder that you want to clone your repository to.
Step 2: Type in: "git clone https://github.com/yonjeremy/go-web-applications.git"
Running the code:
Step by step methods to run the code.
Step 1: In cmder, change directory (cd) to the "go-web-applications" folder.
Step 2: Type in: "go run GoWebApp.go" to run the program.
Step 3: Open your web browser and type "localhost@8080/guess"