We deploy this app using Octopus Deploy. In order to do that the application must be built and then packaged into a NuGet or Zip file. Here you can find out how to do that.
Change location to the projects home folder. Then build the project for release:
dotnet publish Basefarm.Demo.Web --configuration Release
Once the project have been built ok it's time to pack it up for deployment via Octopus:
octo pack --id Basefarm.Demo.Web --basePath .\Basefarm.Demo.Web\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.0\publish --format=zip --outFolder=.\packaged
octo push --server=https://bfoctopus.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com --apiKey=<YOUR API KEY> --ignoreSslErrors --package=.\packaged\Basefarm.Demo.Web.2018.3.14.124645.zip