Enabling GSSAPI / Kerberos authentication in PostgreSQL will allow single-sign-on – i.e. authentication without using the standard username and password for PostgreSQL clients.
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol used to verify the identity of two or more trusted hosts across an untrusted network. It uses secret-key cryptography and a trusted third party (Kerberos Key Distribution Center) for authenticating client-server applications. Key Distribution Cente (KDC) gives clients tickets representing their network credentials. The Kerberos ticket is presented to the servers after the connection has been established.
!! Since Kerberos protocol has a timestamp involved, all three machines clocks need to be synchronized.
We will need three machines. In my case I'm using three ubuntu machines : my physical machine and two virtual machines inside of VirtualBox. My physical machine will be the client and the two other machines will be the Service Server and the KDC.
Virtual machines have a NAT adapter by default but in order to assign IP addresses to these machines we will need to add a host-only adapter manually.
Let's start by creating a new virtual machine. Under File go to Host Network Manager ... and then click Create.
And don't forget to enable the DHCP Server.
Now it's time to connect these virtual machines to our new virtual network. Go to the Settings of each of the virtual machines and under Network enable a second adapter :
Specify the type of the adapter (host-only adapater) and the virtual network to connect to (the one we just created).
We can check the IP addresses of all three machines by running hostname -I
in each one.
In my case :
- Client machine(physical machine) ip address is
- Service server machine (one the virtual machines) ip address is
- KDC machine (the other virtual machine) ip address is
Now that we added ip addresses to the virtual machines, we will start by setting hostnames for each machine :
Service Server machine
hostnamectl --static set-hostname pg.insat.tn
Client machine
hostnamectl --static set-hostname client.insat.tn
And open a new terminal for changes to take effect.
We can check the hostname of a machine by running the command : hostname
Next, we will be mapping these hostnames to their corresponding IP addresses on all three machines using /etc/hosts file.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
Now, we should set below information to /etc/hosts for all three machines :
<KDC_IP_ADDRESS> kdc.insat.tn kdc
<PG_SERVER_ADDRESS> pg.insat.tn pg
<CLIENT_ADDRESS> client.insat.tn client
Once the setup is done, we can check if everything is working fine by using the nslookup
command to query the DNS to obtain the mapping we just did and the ping
command to ensure that all three machines are reachable.
This an example in the client machine :
Following are the packages that need to installed on the KDC machine :
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install krb5-kdc krb5-admin-server krb5-config
During the installation, we will be asked for configuration of :
Realm is a logical network, similar to a domain, that all the users and servers sharing the same Kerberos database belong to.
The master key for this KDC database needs to be set once the installation is complete :
sudo krb5_newrealm
The users and services in a realm are defined as a principal in Kerberos. These principals are managed by an admin user that we need to create manually :
$ sudo kadmin.local
kadmin.local: add_principal root/admin
kadmin.local is a KDC database administration program. We used this tool to create a new principal in the INSAT.TN realm (add_principal
We can check if the user root/admin was successfully created by running the command : kadmin.local: list_principals
. We should see the 'root/admin@INSAT.TN' principal listed along with other default principals.
Next, we need to grant all access rights to the Kerberos database to admin principal root/admin using the configuration file /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl .
sudo vi /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
In this file, we need to add the following line :
*/admin@INSAT.TN *
For changes to take effect, we need to restart the following service : sudo service krb5-admin-server restart
Once the admin user who manages principals is created, we need to create the principals. We will to create principals for both the client machine and the service server machine.
Create a principal for the client
$ sudo kadmin.local
kadmin.local: add_principal yosra
Create a principal for the service server
kadmin.local: add_principal postgres/pg.insat.tn
We can check the list of principals by running the command : kadmin.local: list_principals
For an easier configuration of Postgres I changed the Operating System login name from 'yosra' to 'postgres'.
Following are the packages that need to be installed on the Service server machine :
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install krb5-user libpam-krb5 libpam-ccreds
During the installation, we will be asked for the configuration of :
- the realm : 'INSAT.TN' (must be all uppercase)
- the Kerberos server : 'kdc.insat.tn'
- the administrative server : 'kdc.insat.tn'
PS : We need to enter the same information used for KDC Server.
We need to extract the service principal from KDC principal database to a keytab file.
- In the KDC machine run the following command to generate the keytab file in the current folder :
$ ktutil
ktutil: add_entry -password -p postgres/pg.insat.tn@INSAT.TN -k 1 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
Password for postgres/pg.insat.tn@INSAT.TN:
ktutil: wkt postgres.keytab
- Send the keytab file from the KDC machine to the Service server machine :
In the Postgres server machine make the following directories :
mkdir -p /home/postgres/pgsql/data
In the KDC machine send the keytab file to the Postgres server :
scp postgres.keytab postgres@<PG_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>:/home/postgres/pgsql/data
! We need to have openssh-server package installed on the service server : sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Verify that the service principal was succesfully extracted from the KDC database :
List the current keylist
ktutil: list
Read a krb5 keytab into the current keylist
ktutil: read_kt pgsql/data/postgres.keytab
List the current keylist again
ktutil: list
Update the package lists
sudo apt-get update
Install necessary packages for Postgres
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Ensure that the service is started
sudo systemctl start postgresql
We will need to :
create a new role for the client
create user yosra with encrypted password 'some_password';
create a new database
create database yosra;
grant all privileges on this database to the new role
grant all privileges on database yosra to yosra;
To ensure the role was successfully created run the following command :
postgres=# SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usename LIKE 'yosra';
The client yosra has now a role in Postgres and can access its database 'yosra'.
- Updating postgresql.conf
To edit the file run the following command :
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf
By default, Postgres Server only allows connections from localhost. Since the client will connect to the Postgres server remotely, we will need to modify postgresql.conf so that Postgres Server allows connection from the network :
listen_addresses = '*'
We will also need to specify the keytab file location :
krb_server_keyfile = '/home/postgres/pgsql/data/postgres.keytab'
- Updating pg_hba.conf
HBA stands for host-based authentication. pg_hba.conf is the file used to control clients authentication in PostgreSQL. It is basically a set of records. Each record specifies a connection type, a client IP address range, a database name, a user name, and the authentication method to be used for connections matching these parameters.
The first field of each record specifies the type of the connection attempt made. It can take the following values :
: Connection attempts using Unix-domain sockets will be matched.host
: Connection attempts using TCP/IP will be matched (SSL or non-SSL as well as GSSAPI encrypted or non-GSSAPI encrypted connection attempts).hostgssenc
: Connection attempts using TCP/IP will be matched, but only when the connection is made with GSSAPI encryption.
This field can take other values that we won't use in this setup. For futher information you can visit the official documentation.
Some of the possible choices for the authentication method field are the following :
: Allow the connection unconditionally.reject
: Reject the connection unconditionally.md5
: Perform SCRAM-SHA-256 or MD5 authentication to verify the user's password.gss
: Use GSSAPI to authenticate the user.peer
: Obtain the client's operating system user name from the operating system and check if it matches the requested database user name. This is only available for local connections.
So to allow the user 'yosra' to connect remotely using Kerberos we will add the following line :
# IPv4 local connections:
hostgssenc yosra yosra <IP_ADDRESS_RANGE> gss include_realm=0 krb_realm=INSAT.TN
And comment other connections over TCP/IP.
: Only users of INSAT.Tn realm will be accepted.
: If include_realm is set to 0, the realm name from the authenticated user principal is stripped off before being passed through the user name mapping. In a multi-realm environments this may not be secure unless krb_realm is also used.
For changes to take effect we need to restart the service : sudo systemctl restart postgresql
Following are the packages that need to be installed on the Client machine :
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install krb5-user libpam-krb5 libpam-ccreds
During the installation, we will be asked for configuration of :
- the realm : 'INSAT.TN' (must be all uppercase)
- the Kerberos server : 'kdc.insat.tn'
- the administrative server : 'kdc.insat.tn'
PS : We need to enter the same information used for KDC Server.
Once the setup is complete, it's time for the client to authenticate using kerberos.
First, try to connect to PostgreSQL remotely :
$ psql -d yosra -h pg.insat.tn -U yosra
-d specifies the database, -U specifies the postgres role and -h specifies the ip address of the machine hosting postgres.
In the client machine check the cached credentials :
$ klist
Then initial the user authentication :
$ kinit yosra
And check the ticket granting ticket (TGT) :
$ klist
Now try to connect once again :
Now you can check the service ticket :
$ klist