Official code repository for "I Don't Think So": Summarizing Policy Disagreements for Agent Comparison (AAAI-2022).
A demo of the visual summary generated by the DISAGREEMENTS algorithm. The summary portrays the diffrence in behavior of two agents strating from the same state denoted by the text "Disagreement". The summary allows for a visual contrastive comparison between agent behaviors.
The project is based on Python 3.7. All the necessary packages are in requirements.txt. Create a virtual environment and install the requirements using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The Highway domain implementation of the algorithm requires the following repositories: V1.4
The code works by accesing an interface for each domain. Adding a new domain requires a relevant interface and configuration file to be added to disagreements/Interfaces and disagreements/configs respectively.
The configuration_dict dictionary in should be updated for any new agents or domains you wish to compare.
python -a1 ClearLane -a2 FastRight