A video chat web application supporting background removing using Agora.io API
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Agora API
- Agora Access Token V2.0.4
- Agora Extension Virtual Background V1.1.1
- body-parser V1.20.0
- ejs V3.1.8
- express V4.18.1
- dotenv V16.0.3
- To install dependencies, enter the project directory and run the following command
npm install
- Free account has 10,000 minutes a month
- Well documented, you can see the Documentation
- Easy to deal with
- Numerous online resources
- Background removing is nearly effortless
- Create free account on Agora.io
- Create new project on Agora with App ID + token authentication
- In "server.js", you MUST change the "APP_ID" and "APP_CERTIFICATE" variables to the values appearing in the project on Agora
- To deploy this project run
node server.js
- Open "http://localhost:3000" (or any port you wish to deploy it on) in your browser
- If you downloaded the project without adding "node_modules" in the project directory, you should run the following command:
npm install
- You can use ngrok to deploy it on on https website after running server on localhost
- Changing background is done using the Agora Extension Virtual Background dependency, you can find the documentation here
- Note: After choosing the photo, you should press "Add Background" button