A decentralised web-3 based number guessing game.Where you can win real money by guessing the numbers.It is simply a betting game.
Client: React, bootstrap
Contract Deployed At: Sepolia testnet
Wallet: Metamask
Framework for contract development and deployment: hardhat
Testing Framework: Chai
Frontend contract Interaction using: Etherjs
Subnet: Avalanche
Testnet: Sepolia
Oracle: Chainlink
Langauges: Solidity and Javascript
- TopUp and Withdraw wallet balance.
- TopUp and Withdraw contract balance(only owner of contract)
- Fast
- Web based
It is a web3 based game which uses chainlink vrfv2 to generate random numbers.
- Should have matamask and metamask browser extension.
- Should have sepolia ethers.Connect to sepolia account.
- Top-up your wallet balance.You can withdraw your money anytime.
- Choose your bet
- Maximum winning amount is twice the bet.
- You have to guess the computer generated random number which is from 1 to 20.
- You will get 6 chances.After every wrong guess winning amonut is decreased by 20% of maximum winning amount.
- You will get hints after every guess.Too large or too small means difference is greater than or equal 15
- Node and npm
- Metamask with browser extension
- Sepolia network
# Clone the repository
cd Web3-Number-Guessing-Game
npm install
npm run start
demo video link https://youtu.be/WBrZShk9Npg