Matlab codes for shape-from-shading. Several variants are implemented:
- ADMM-based variational shape from shading with general camera (orthographic or perspective) and lighting (spherical harmonics), see [1]
- Lax-Friedriechs solving of the eikonal case (orthographic camera, frontal directional lighting), cf. Equation (8) in [2]
- Semi-Lagrangian solver for the eikonal case (orthographic camera, frontal directional lighting), see [3]
- Semi-Lagrangian solver for the perspective eikonal case (perspective camera, frontal directional lighting), see [4]
These codes can be used to solve the shape-from-shading (SfS) problem (estimate shape, given a single image). Main features:
- possibility to add a shape prior in order to guide the solution (useful for instance in RGB-D sensing)
- minimal surface regularization to smooth out the residual noise
- handles second-order spherical harmonics lighting
- handles orthographic or perspective camera
- handles grey or RGB images
Note: the classic eikonal SfS can also be achieved as a special case.
The following two demo files accompanying [1] are provided:
: classic SfS (greylevel image, orthographic camera, frontal lighting) applied to the standard Lena image -
: refinement of the depth map obtained with a RGB-D sensor. Source of the dataset:
The three other demo files illustrate alternative PDE-based methods based semi-Lagrangian schemes, when lighting is frontal and directional, see [2,3,4] for details.
The main fuctions for ref [1] are in the Toolbox/ folder:
: main SfS codetheta_fun.m
: cost function with respect to the surface gradient valuesestimate_lighting.m
: can be used to estimate spherical harmonics lighting, given an image and a shape estimatemake_gradient.m
: finite differences stencils on a non-rectangular gridexport_obj2.m
: to produce a .obj file readable with meshlab
minFunc: need first be compiled: go to Toolbox/minFunc and run mexAll.m script (source:
CMG (recommended for faster results):
[1] "A Variational Approach to Shape-from-shading Under Natural Illumination", Y. Quéau et al., EMMCVPR 2017
[2] "A comprehensive introduction to photometric 3D-reconstruction", J.-D. Durou et al., 2020
[3] "An algorithm for the global solution of the Shape-fromShading model", M. Falcone and M. Sagona, ICIAP 1997
[4] "Some remarks on perspective shape-from-shading models", E. Cristiani et al., SSVM 2007