I created a visualization dashboard website using visualizations using my past project (API project).
In building this dashboard, I created individual pages for each plot and a means by which I can navigate between them. These pages contains the visualizations and their corresponding explanations. I also made a landing page (changed the file name to index.html for deploying the file to Github), a page where I can see a comparison of all of the plots, and another page where I can view the dataset that I used for the analyses.
- Website - Opening Image (Landing page)
The website consists of 9 pages total.
Landing page: (index page)
- An explanation of the project.
- Links to each visualizations page with a sidebar containing preview images of each plot, and clicking an image that takes the user to that visualization.
Six visualization pages:
- A descriptive title and heading tag.
- The plot/visualization itself for the selected comparison.
- A paragraph describing the plot and its significance.
Comparisons page: (comparisons-page)
- Contains all of the visualizations on the same page so I can easily visually compare them.
- Uses a Bootstrap grid for the visualizations.
Data page:
- Displays a responsive table containing the data used in the visualizations.
Table Page Image
The website, at the top of every page, has a navigation menu that:
Has the name of the site on the left of the nav which allows users to return to the landing page from any page.
Contains a dropdown menu on the right of the navbar named "Plots" that provides a link to each individual visualization page.
Provides two more text links on the right: "Comparisons," which links to the comparisons page, and "Data," which links to the data page.
Is responsive (using media queries). The nav has similar behavior with the background color change.
Web Image - Responsive with media queries
- I used my original dataset (csv file), graphs, and table, that I created for the API Project.
- I used a Bootstrap theme to customize my website.
- I added extra visualizations - included extra two comparisons: The Northern and Southern Hemisphere Latitude vs. Max Temperature with Correlation and Regression Analyses.
- I used meaningful glyphicons next to links (latitude as a base home, plots as graphs, and data as a database) in the header.
- I have visualization navigation on every visualizations page with an active state.