As described in our paper Emergent inequality and endogenous dynamics in a simple behavioral macroeconomic model by Yuki M. Asano, Jakob J. Kolb, Jobst Heitzig, J. Doyne Farmer.
Install environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
or if you're on a Mac:
conda env create -f environment_mac.yml
Activate environment:
conda activate rck_abm
Simply run as python3 --nagents 500 --tau 500
Detailed usage instructions:
usage: [-h] [--top {FC,WS,ER,BA}] [-N NAGENTS] [--k K] [--p P]
[--tau TAU] [--tmax TMAX] [--d D] [--alpha ALPHA] [--phi PHI]
[--K K] [--delta-s DELTA_S] [--w-future W_FUTURE]
[--sequential] [--saveloc SAVELOC] [--micro] [--dontsave]
[--logiter LOGITER] [--seed SEED] [--pfixed PFIXED]
[--rfixed RFIXED] [--sfixed SFIXED] [--pexplore PEXPLORE]
[--movie MOVIE]
RCK ABM model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--top {FC,WS,ER,BA} Network topology (default: FC)
number of agents (default:500)
--k K mean degree for non fully-connected graph (default:
--p P Connection probability for WS network, ignored for
other topologies (default:0.01)
--tau TAU Mean interaction time tau (default: 30)
--tmax TMAX Length of simulation in units of tau (default:1000)
--d D Depreciation rate (default:0.1)
--alpha ALPHA Capital elasticity (default: 0.66)
--phi PHI Labor normed std. deviation (default: 0.01)
--K K Initial household capital (default: 1020000.000000)
--delta-s DELTA_S Minimum difference in s to copy from another agent
--w-future W_FUTURE Weight of future prediction in agents decision making
--saveloc SAVELOC where to save output
--micro whether to store micro history (default: False)
--dontsave whether or not to store data in separate files for
each run
--logiter LOGITER Logging every after 1M (default: 100000)
--seed SEED Random seed (default:0 means no seed is set.)
--pfixed PFIXED Expected fraction of households with fixed savings
rate (default: 0)
--rfixed RFIXED Discount rate in [1/yr] of households with fixed
savings rate (default: 0)
--sfixed SFIXED Savings rate of fixed households (default: alpha * d /
(rfixed + d))
--pexplore PEXPLORE probability to explore random savings rate instead of
imitating (default: 0)
--movie MOVIE Filename prefix for movie (default: False = no movie)
Show basic trajectory via:
python3 analysis/ --path test_output/_TFC_N500_d10_tau500.0_tmax20_al66_pf0--traj.pkl
Show periodograms and trajectory
python3 analysis/ test_output/_TFC_N500_d10_tau500.0_tmax20_al66_pf0--traj.pkl
or use the demo command provided (this will download a trajectory file of size 144MB)
python3 analysis/ demo
Further install MPI4py: pip install mpi4py