This app's name is Ceritaku, a story app to tell you a success story of Dicoding's students. This app built to complete Belajar Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Intermediate submissions by Dicoding using Kotlin.
This app built to accomplish Belajar Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Intermediate class which held by []. Please be wise to clone and learn the flow of app. You are not allowed to copy/create derivatives/steal/sell this program codes.
This application is a simple Github user search app using Kotlin. Built using these technologies:
- Material Design
- Kotlin
- View Model (MVVM)
- LiveData
- View Binding
- Coroutine Flow
- DataStore
- Room Persistent Database
- Retrofit
- Paging 3
- Google Maps API
This application has some features:
Submission 1
- Login, register, and logout -> Using DataStore (Like shared preferences but better) to store user data.
- Animation -> Using property animation. See
- List of story -> Using recyclerview.
- Upload image to server -> Using Retrofit with Multipart.
Submission 2
- Infinite scroll -> Using Paging 3
- Show users location -> Using Google Maps API
- Favorite user's story -> Using Room