--------------------ENRICO BORELLO's note--------------------------
-------------position of miro by motion capture------
the straight.py node subscrive a node that should publish in this way -rostopic echo /miro/pose
--------------------mirosetup----------------------------- follow this step
-Connect the miro with smarthone
-with the app put the miro in normal mode
-enable the bridge
- write in the terminal of your computer the ip of miro that you can see in the app ssh root@hereputtheIPofmiroapp
-digit the password MIROOpen1
- write sudo nano ~/.profile
-write your IP in the file in a line with: #.. bla bla (line simply for your reference) #.. bla bla (line simply for your reference) #.. bla bla (line simply for your reference) ROS_MASTER= putyourip
-save and exit from the miro room, you can do date writing: exit
-------------see if you are connectend with the miro--------
-enter in the folder where you dowload the miro file, if you dont already do that ->(http://labs.consequentialrobotics.com/miro/mdk/) ~/lib/mdk/bin/shared (in my case)
-write this in your terminal
- ./miro_ros_client_gui.py robot=rob01
-you should see what miro see.
put miro in demo mode using your smartphone, and again in normal mode.
----------------lauch the program---------- -you can lauch all the three node: roslaunch straightmiro miro.launch
-or run a single node using rosrun straightmiro nameofthenode.py
----------set_goal.py------------------ Parameter Server is used for set the global parameters that we need for lauch the nodes.
set_goal.py declares and set the parameters
---------------------Stright miro-------------
miro should be able to follow a straight line given a goal position
-depending from how you take the miro position you could have problem of orientation.
-in the code the is a commented part that should be able to fix miro position if it go out from the straight line( for example if there is a note regual ground)