These are config files to set up a system the way I like it.
git clone ~/.dotfiles cd ~/.dotfiles git submodule update --init rake install Patch the font used in terminal for Powerline : Launch vim, run :BundleInstall (or vim +BundleInstall +qall for CLI lovers) For use of urxvt-unicode (the build which supports 256 colors), the load of colors is set inside awesome rc.lua: xrdb -load ~/.Xresources
I am running on GNU/Linux and my dotfiles includes:
- i3 - urxvt-unicode (with 256 colors support) - tmux - tmuxp - neovim - python - Xresource config for urxvt-unicode - ruby
Debian packages:
i3 i3status rxvt-unicode-256color tmux neovim python-dev python-pip exuberant-ctags xsel ack-grep ruby
Standalone installations
rvm (
Python modules:
pip flake8 virtualenv virtualenvwrapper fancycompleter powerline-status tmuxp
If there are some shell configuration settings which you want secure or specific to one system, place it into a ~/.localrc file. This will be loaded automatically if it exists.
There are several features enabled in Ruby’s irb including history and completion. Many convenience methods are added as well such as “ri” which can be used to get inline documentation in IRB. See irbrc and railsrc files for details.