Multi AI Agent Systems with crewAI by DeepLearning.AI
- Tech job researcher
- Personal profiler for engineers
- Resume strategist for engineers
- Engineering interview preparer
- research (data collection) on potential customer
- comparison to other known customers
- score this type of potential customer
- create talking points
Follows the framework, define the following attributes to optimise performance:
- Role playing, Focus, Cooperation
- Tools, guardrails, Memory
- Think as a manager
- Thank about what is the goal and what is the process
- What kind of people I would hire to get the job done?
- Use keywords to be specific about the essential qualifications
- Agents 'self improve" using memory
- Guardrails prevent agents from going into "rabbit holes" (unproductive, repetitive loops)
- Agents always attempt to get to an answer (avoid iterating indefinitely)
- Focus
- narrowly defined task
- specific agent roles and objectives
- limited set of tools assigned to one agent
- Need tools that have the following attributes:
- Fault-tolerant (fail gracefully, not stop execution, send error message back to agent to retry)
- Versatile (handle different types of inputs)
- Caching (smart caching, cross-agent caching, prevent unnecessary caching, stay within rate limits, shorter execution times)
- Clear description of the task
- Set a clear and concise expectation
- Set context
Goal: Maximise chances of getting an interview for a given job posting Process:
- Learn about the job requirements
- Cross that with your skill set and experiences
- Reshape resumé to highlight relevant areas
- Rewrite resumé with appropriate language
- Set talking points for your initial interview
- Set a callback
- Override Agent tools with specific task tools
- Force human input before end of task
- Execute asynchronously
- Output as Pydantic / JSON / file
- Run in parallel